Charitable Act of Free Water and Juice Distribution during High Temperatures Receives Praise on Social Media

Charitable Act of Free Water and Juice Distribution during High Temperatures Receives Praise on Social Media

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip documented a citizen’s initiative to distribute iced water and juices to passers-by for free during the day, to reduce the high temperatures. The video showed the use of a car inside which a large amount of water, juices and ice was placed, and he stopped by the road, where he … Read more

Drug Control Directorate in Riyadh thwarts narcotic khat plant smuggling attempt

Drug Control Directorate in Riyadh thwarts narcotic khat plant smuggling attempt

Al-Marsad Newspaper – SPA: The General Directorate for Drug Control thwarted the promotion of 110 kilograms of the narcotic khat plant hidden inside the chassis of a truck, and arrested its promoters in the Riyadh region, who are residents of Yemeni nationality and two citizens, and they were arrested and regular measures were taken against … Read more

Buchbude: Request Your Genre at Literature House and Freiburger Bürgerstiftung

Buchbude: Request Your Genre at Literature House and Freiburger Bürgerstiftung

A Virginia Woolf novel or an Agatha Christie crime thriller? With the new “Buchbude” project of the Literature House and the Freiburger Bürgerstiftung, readers can request genres. Who doesn’t know them – the public bookshelves that are now distributed irregularly throughout Freiburg, from the telephone booth on Else-Liefmann-Platz in Weingarten to the artistically designed bookcase … Read more

Nationwide Bank to Pay £340m to Current Account Holders Following Record Profits

Nationwide Bank to Pay £340m to Current Account Holders Following Record Profits

One of the largest and most famous banks in Britain intends to distribute more than 340 million pounds sterling ($ 429 million) to its current account holders, after it recorded a significant jump in its annual profits, taking advantage of successive rises in interest rates, which increased the costs imposed on borrowers. Nationwide Bank, one … Read more

Watch… a “content” maker reveals the food meals that were distributed to students 44 years ago… and the countries that imported them

Watch… a “content” maker reveals the food meals that were distributed to students 44 years ago… and the countries that imported them

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A content maker revealed the school meals that were distributed to students in the Kingdom 44 years ago. And he said during a video clip via the TikTok application: “These meals began to be distributed in 1391, and stopped in 1400 AH, and they were distributed at the beginning of the second session, … Read more