Director of US vaccine agency, who was fired, warns lack of a “coordinated plan” for covid-19

Director of US vaccine agency, who was fired, warns lack of a “coordinated plan” for covid-19

Trump: “Covid-19 tests are overrated” 0:44– (CNN) – Rick Bright, the fired director of a key federal agency Charged with developing responses to infectious diseases, she testified before Congress on Thursday that United States it will face an even worse crisis if it does not have additional measures to stop the pandemic of coronavirus. “Our … Read more

ERTE: Hrcules players already know about his dismissal

ERTE: Hrcules players already know about his dismissal

ERTE has already arrived at Hercules. As INFORMATION advanced last FridayThe Alicante club has implemented the option of temporary dismissal of its staff, technical staff and workers. The coronavirus pandemic, which has the entire country in confinement, has precipitated the decision of a Hercules who does not enter any money while the League continues to … Read more

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

Greece: at Teleperformance, worry on the phone

“Every day, I have a lump in my stomach as soon as I wake up. I’m scared to go to work “, explains Anne (1). This 20-year-old Frenchwoman works at Teleperformance in Athens. She is one of those voices who, from a telephone platform, provide technical assistance or after-sales service for international brands. Apple, Hewlett … Read more

Babysitter and housekeeper: Licensed in the North, regularized in the South

Babysitter and housekeeper: Licensed in the North, regularized in the South

Layoffs in the North, where many housekeepers and babysitters no longer want to take buses and metros for fear of contagion and no longer go to work. In fact, giving up the post, often returning to their country of origin. Regularization in the Center-South, where instead the fear of checks on the national quarantine has … Read more

Eminences used their position for personal gain: López Obrador

Eminences used their position for personal gain: López Obrador

– The federal president considered that these types of decisions are being taken to clean the government. Photo: Cuartocuro – – DURANGO, After the dismissal of Miguel Ángel Celis from the direction of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He pointed out that some “eminences” used their position … Read more

the Senate acquits the President of the United States of all the counts

the Senate acquits the President of the United States of all the counts

Posted on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 10:27 p.m. Through AFP — Donald Trump was acquitted in the Senate on Wednesday after his historic impeachment trial, with the support of all but one Republican politician, and without a Democratic voice. – – 52 of the 100 American senators declared the president not guilty of the … Read more

Republicans acquit Trump, Nancy Pelosi does not

Republicans acquit Trump, Nancy Pelosi does not

Alfredo Maia Today at 22:53– The Senate of the United States ended this Wednesday, with the expected absolution, the process of destitution of Donald Trump, nine months from the presidential elections in November and at a time of such a rare crisis that Congress experienced an unprecedented episode: as Republican congressmen and guests cheered him … Read more

Trump removal procedure: “He crossed a line,” say Republican senators

Trump removal procedure: “He crossed a line,” say Republican senators

Statements arriving three days before Trump’s likely acquittal – Dhe republican senators justified themselves Sunday, three days before the probable acquittal of Donald Trump in his trial for removal from the Senate, by arguing that he had done wrong but not to the point of becoming the first American president in history to be removed … Read more

A brand with a “hot iron”: the European press waits hard to close the trial for the removal of Trump

A brand with a “hot iron”: the European press waits hard to close the trial for the removal of Trump

The outcome, positive for the president, is little doubt but the event will not be without interest, according to European media. – Thehostilities will begin this Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Belgian time. The outcome, positive for the president, is hardly in doubt. This does not mean that the procedure will have no political consequences. … Read more