Onlyfans star Marianne Kallio was hospitalized – The heart was stopped twice –

Onlyfans star Marianne Kallio was hospitalized – The heart was stopped twice

Marianne Kallio updates her social media followers on her current condition. Marianne Kallio tells her social media followers that she was hospitalized. PASI LIESIMAA Onlyfans star Marianne Kallio has been hospitalized on Tuesday. This is evident from Kallio’s Instagram stories, where he says that he has been feeling very poorly recently. Instagram stories are visible … Read more

Arto, 45, took whiskey and heartburn medicine – Soon an ambulance was needed Heart and cholesterol29.10. 6:01 am –

Arto, 45, took whiskey and heartburn medicine – Soon an ambulance was needed Heart and cholesterol29.10. 6:01 am

Arto, 45, took whiskey and heartburn medicine – Soon an ambulance was needed Heart and cholesterol29.10. 6:01 am #Arto #whiskey #heartburn #medicine #ambulance #needed #Heart #cholesterol29.10

Many Finns arrive at work in terrible condition – A sad reason –

Many Finns arrive at work in terrible condition – A sad reason

Health Migraines are still associated with false beliefs and prejudices today. According to the doctor, some of the sick people drag themselves to the workplace in a very poor condition due to belittlement. Few people know that a certain type of headache is a sign of serious danger, in which case you should urgently go … Read more

On guard against the flu in Burgos

On guard against the flu in Burgos

The first week of flu vaccination for the general population ended in the province with 15,179 people protected; a figure higher than the beginning of last year (12% more) and which is added to those who received the vaccine in the first half of October, as they are considered priority groups: users accommodation (both for … Read more

Jasmine, 24, woke up on the floor of the cottage with broken legs – the reason surprised even the doctor –

Jasmine, 24, woke up on the floor of the cottage with broken legs – the reason surprised even the doctor

Jasmine from Helsinki had a serious accident at her summer house. Jasmine, who fell while sleepwalking, has both legs in casts. Jasmine’s album Helsinki native Jasmine24, experienced moments of horror at his summer house in Eastern Finland about three weeks ago. Sleeping upstairs in her cabin, Jasmine walked to the stairs in her sleep in … Read more

Against Corona and Influenza. Spontaneous vaccinations are possible in this practice.

Against Corona and Influenza. Spontaneous vaccinations are possible in this practice.

The Aalen family doctor’s practice on the upper floor of the cube offers all the basic services of a family doctor, internal medicine and general medical practice. This also includes a corresponding vaccination offer. After last year’s successful campaign, in which more than 120 vaccinations were administered per campaign day, the practice is offering this … Read more

Corona, cold or flu? Interpret symptoms correctly!

Corona, cold or flu? Interpret symptoms correctly!

Wave of illness in full swing Corona, cold or flu? How to correctly interpret the symptoms Corona, cold or flu? Which symptoms indicate which illness – an overview. Mila Drumeva, iStockphoto October 10, 2024 at 5:37 p.m Signs of illness should be interpreted correctly! Dirty weather, wet conditions and low temperatures are the perfect basis … Read more

XEC VARIANT | XEC variant of coronavirus: these are its main symptoms

XEC VARIANT | XEC variant of coronavirus: these are its main symptoms

With the end of the pandemic, the coronavirus has gone to the background of the media. However, its different variantseach with their respective symptomsthey keep happening. The latest strain to have gained notoriety has been named CHECK. Registered for the first time last June in Germanythe cases of this new variant of Covid-19, coming from … Read more