NASA’s DART Mission: New Research Reveals Unexpected Findings and Concerns

NASA’s DART Mission: New Research Reveals Unexpected Findings and Concerns

Jakarta – NASA once had a special project to crash a plane into an asteroid approaching the orbit of the Sun in 2022. In this project, an aircraft called the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) hit the asteroid Dimorphos at a speed of 22,530 km per hour. This Dimorphos orbits another asteroid called Didymos. These … Read more

Botanic Scientists Uncover a Unique Underground Fruit-Bearing Palm Tree in Borneo

Botanic Scientists Uncover a Unique Underground Fruit-Bearing Palm Tree in Borneo

Botanic scientists in Singapore have discovered a palm tree that blooms and bears fruit underground on the island of Borneo. Although the people of Borneo knew of the existence of this unique palm tree, it was unknown to scientists. The islanders eat the fruit of the underground palm as a snack. The researchers gave a … Read more

Mysterious New Cosmic Explosion Outshines All Supernovae Ever Discovered

Mysterious New Cosmic Explosion Outshines All Supernovae Ever Discovered

Astronomers have discovered a mysterious new type of cosmic explosion that outshines almost all supernovae ever discovered. Within 10 days, the strange explosion became brighter than 100 billion suns, then faded to almost nothing a few weeks later, a devastating event shorter and more dramatic than a typical supernova. This rapid event likely represents a … Read more

Zealandia: The Lost Continent Discovered After 375 Years

Zealandia: The Lost Continent Discovered After 375 Years

The lost continent has been known as Zealandia or Te Riu-aM?ui in the M?ori language. (Photo: GNS Science) JAKARTA – Scientists managed to find a continent hidden for almost 375 years. The continent was known as Zealandia or Te Riu-a-Māui in the Māori language. According to TN News, Friday (1/9/2023), Zealand has an area of … Read more

Revolutionary Breakthrough: Converting Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells into Healthy Muscle Cells

Revolutionary Breakthrough: Converting Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells into Healthy Muscle Cells

A possible revolutionary solution to treat a very aggressive form of childhood cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma, which develops in muscle tissue, has been discovered by scientists. They were able to convert cells affected by rhabdomyosarcoma into healthy muscle cells, marking a significant advance in the fight against this form of cancer. This discovery could pave the … Read more

Why was Pluto classified as a minor planet? – Understanding the decision by the International Astronomical Union (IAU)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – At first Pluto regarded as planet ninth in the Solar System. However, in 2006, this status was revoked. What is the reason? Reported from Library of Congress, this decision was taken by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a scientific organization that regulates the definition and classification of objects astronomy. This decision sparked … Read more

New Study Reveals Diet of Earth’s Earliest Bird – Jeholornis

New Study Reveals Diet of Earth’s Earliest Bird – Jeholornis

Illustration Beijing, – A Chinese paleontology team identified a diet from the stomach contents of a 120-million-year-old fossil bird found in northeastern China. The findings, published recently in the journal Nature Communications, provide evidence that Earth’s earliest bird called Jeholornis consumed the leaves of a plant that produces flowers and produces seeds in fruit. … Read more

Astronomers Discover First Ever ‘Boomerang Meteorite’ – a Rock that Returned from Space to Earth

Astronomers Discover First Ever ‘Boomerang Meteorite’ – a Rock that Returned from Space to Earth

Astronomers announce the discovery of the first ever “Boomerang meteorite” – a rock that originated from Earth, was flung into space and later returned. The meteorite, NWA 13188, was discovered in the Sahara Desert, and scientists at Aix-Marseille University in France conducted a new analysis, and found that it has the characteristics of our planet. … Read more

How to Name Asteroids and the Criteria for Naming Asteroids

How to Name Asteroids and the Criteria for Naming Asteroids

Jakarta – Recently two scientists from Natural History Museum England was given an unusual honour. How could they not, both of them ‘earned’ an asteroid with their respective names. Quoted from the official website, these two scientists are Dr. Helena Bates with the asteroid 28994 Helenabates and Dr. Ashley King with the asteroid 31551 Ashleyking. … Read more

A Roman Treasure Unearthed in Euston: A Rare and Significant Discovery

A Roman Treasure Unearthed in Euston: A Rare and Significant Discovery

In Euston, in the east of England, there has been an astonishing discovery archaeological: a pewter treasure romano of great rarity. This fascinating find includes plates, trays, bowls and a mug, all crafted from pewter romano. Most intriguingly, the fragments of these vessels were meticulously stacked in a pit, suggesting that they were buried as … Read more