Federica Pellegrini’s Emotional Instagram Post to Unborn Daughter

Federica Pellegrini’s Emotional Instagram Post to Unborn Daughter

24 hours after the discovery of Giulia Cecchettin’s body and on the day of the arrest of her murderer, Federica Pellegrini, who is pregnant with a baby girl, writes a post on Instagram in which she addresses her daughter who is about to be born, and who begins with the phrase “Never like today…” and … Read more

NASA Discovers 2 Farthest Galaxies from Earth

NASA Discovers 2 Farthest Galaxies from Earth

KOMPAS.com – Galaxies are part of the universe consisting of hundreds of trillions of stars and space fog. There are many galaxies in the universe. The distance between galaxies is very far and is usually calculated in units of billions or millions of light. Also read: What does the new galaxy JWST-ER1 discovered by the … Read more

Ancient Predatory Lamprey Fish Fossil Discovery in China from the Jurassic Period

Ancient Predatory Lamprey Fish Fossil Discovery in China from the Jurassic Period

Jakarta – Paleontologists in China have discovered fossils of ancient fish predators from the Jurassic period. This fish is a type of jawless fish which is often called lamprey. Physically, lamprey fish have a shape similar to eels. The difference is, lamprey fish have a disc-shaped mouth with very sharp teeth. This fish is also … Read more

Sensational Discovery in Turkey: Archaeologists Uncover Possible Noah’s Ark Site

Sensational Discovery in Turkey: Archaeologists Uncover Possible Noah’s Ark Site

Archaeologists in Turkey made a sensational discovery. It definitely rewrites history. During a large-scale excavation of a geological site, archaeologists discovered ruins that they believed resembled Noah’s Ark. This research, conducted by the Mount Ararat and Noah’s Ark Research Team, is a collaboration between three Turkish and American universities that will begin in 2021. Their … Read more

Revolutionary Discovery: Ancient Transmissible Cancers Found in Shellfish Could Transform Human Cancer Treatment

Revolutionary Discovery: Ancient Transmissible Cancers Found in Shellfish Could Transform Human Cancer Treatment

Scientists have discovered cancers that have been spreading like viruses for centuries among species of shellfish, a revolutionary discovery that could change the way cancer is treated in humans. A study found two strains of an ancient form of leukemia-like cancer that has been spreading silently among shellfish for centuries. According to the study recently … Read more

Unraveling the Mystery of the “Ghost Population”: Ancient Interbreeding in West Africa

Unraveling the Mystery of the “Ghost Population”: Ancient Interbreeding in West Africa

When we look into the deep roots of the human genome, we open the gates to a past that is full of incredible secrets. A recent discovery in the field of genetics brings us a fascinating story about a mysterious population of “ghosts” who may have lived in West Africa thousands of years ago. Study … Read more

TOI-332b: A Fascinating Exoplanet with Unusual Properties

TOI-332b: A Fascinating Exoplanet with Unusual Properties

Current theories about the formation of planets do not apply to TOI-332b. It is denser than iron and orbits its star at breakneck speed at improbably close proximity. Out of the seemingly infinite number of planets in the universe, humanity knows only about 5 thousand of them – beyond the planets of the Solar System. … Read more

Amazing Discovery: Jellyfish Can Learn History and Change Behavior Without a Central Brain

Amazing Discovery: Jellyfish Can Learn History and Change Behavior Without a Central Brain

It turns out that jellyfish can learn history. PHOTO/ IFL SCIENCE LONDON – Interesting facts about jellyfish have been revealed by research conducted recently. Para scientist said that these soft animals apparently have extraordinary learning abilities. Studies show jellyfish can learn from their past experiences. And what’s more interesting is that jellyfish can change their … Read more

Iran’s Lithium Discovery: The Second Largest in the World and Its Geopolitical Impact

Iran’s Lithium Discovery: The Second Largest in the World and Its Geopolitical Impact

Iran’s lithium discovery is estimated to be the second largest in the world. Photo/Mining Technology/Shutterstock JAKARTA – Iran’s lithium, which was recently discovered in large quantities, has stolen the world’s attention. How come, lithium it has now been dubbed the “new oil” which plays an important role in the production and sustainability of electric vehicles. … Read more

Rare Discovery: NGC 4632 – A Polar Ring Galaxy with Rich Hydrogen Gas Surroundings

Rare Discovery: NGC 4632 – A Polar Ring Galaxy with Rich Hydrogen Gas Surroundings

Jakarta – Recently astronomers revealed a rare new galaxy discovery. This spiral-shaped galaxy is named NGC 4632. It is known that this galaxy is wrapped in a very large band of hydrogen. What does it look like? The discovery of this new galaxy is the result of observations using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder … Read more