The Incredible Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds: A Natural Remedy for Weight, Digestion, Blood Pressure, and More!

The Incredible Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds: A Natural Remedy for Weight, Digestion, Blood Pressure, and More!

Health benefits of fenugreek seeds Fenugreek, or known as “Methi” in Hindi, is one of the most common spices in Indian cuisine and around the world. Fenugreek is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, and is considered one of the best health ingredients. Due to its medicinal properties, it is widely used as a natural … Read more

New Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis Species Discovered – Older and Larger than T rex

New Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis Species Discovered – Older and Larger than T rex

Jakarta – So far, T rex has often been considered the top predator among dinosaurs. However, recent research has revealed that there is a relative of the T rex whose size beats the king of dinosaurs. This conclusion was obtained from the discovery of the skull. This North American species of tyrannosaurus has been masquerading … Read more

Top 10 Health Benefits of Garlic – Egypt’s Second Largest Garlic-Producing Country

Top 10 Health Benefits of Garlic – Egypt’s Second Largest Garlic-Producing Country

Egypt is considered the second largest garlic-producing country in the world after Spain, and the governorates of Minya and Beni Suef are considered among the largest governorates in cultivated area, as the cultivated area in them amounts to about 40% of the total garlic area. Eating a little garlic daily helps protect your health, as … Read more

Oldest Evidence of Photosynthesis Dating Back 1.75 Billion Years Identified in Australian Microfossils

Oldest Evidence of Photosynthesis Dating Back 1.75 Billion Years Identified in Australian Microfossils

Jakarta – The earliest evidence of photosynthetic structures dating back 1.75 billion years has been identified. This photosynthetic structure was found in the Navifusa majensis microfossil assemblage in Australia. These photosynthetic structures are found in the cells of modern photosynthetic organisms which contain the pigment chlorophyll. This means that microfossils represent the oldest direct evidence … Read more

Former President Trump Warns of Economic Decline, Chaos at Borders, and Russian Invasion of Ukraine Under Biden Presidency

Manager: Veselin Vasilev, email: [email protected] Editor:Katya Kassabova, email: [email protected] The comments under the articles are entered by the readers and the editors are not responsible for them! If you find a comment offensive to you, please report it to us! According to the former president, Biden presided over the economic decline and caused chaos at … Read more

Top 5 Archaeological Discoveries of 2023: Mayan City, Roman Sword, Moai Statue, Sunken Temple, Mummification Sites

Top 5 Archaeological Discoveries of 2023: Mayan City, Roman Sword, Moai Statue, Sunken Temple, Mummification Sites

Various archaeological discoveries, such as the remains of an ancient Mayan city that once disappeared. Ruins of a 2000 year old cathedral submerged in the Italian sea. and an ancient Roman sword preserved in a cave near the Dead Sea. It will change our historical perspective. Archaeological discoveries – The past year 2023 was considered … Read more

10,000 Year Old Mammoth Fossil Discovered near Jakarta, Florida

10,000 Year Old Mammoth Fossil Discovered near Jakarta, Florida

Jakarta – A member of an organization that operates in the field of fossil hunting, Fossil Junkies Dig and Dive Charters, managed to find ancient animal fossils in the Peace River near the city of Arcadia in Florida. John Kreatsoulas, initially thought that the fossil was an ordinary log. However, when he checked again, he … Read more

Discover a river of stars flowing through space!

Discover a river of stars flowing through space!

A “spectacular river” of stars has been observed flowing through space in a cluster of galaxies about 300 million light-years away. These bridges are known as stellar streams, and the newly named Coma Giant Stellar Stream is the longest we have ever seen. In such a dynamic and gravitationally complex environment as a galaxy cluster, … Read more

Discovery of six planets outside the solar system

Discovery of six planets outside the solar system

The American TESS and European CUPS telescopes observed a system consisting of six planets outside the solar system rotating at a very regular pace around their star, which constitutes an important discovery for understanding the formation of the solar system, according to a study published on Wednesday. The six planets revolve around HD 110067, a … Read more

Vampire Virus: The Parasitic Discovery That Shocked Scientists

Vampire Virus: The Parasitic Discovery That Shocked Scientists

A virus attached as a parasite to another virus, so much so that it has been nicknamed vampire virus. This is the incredible discovery made by a group of researchers from the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Maryland (Baltimore) in collaboration with scientists from Washington University in St. Louis. Viruses … Read more