Surprising and Exciting Discovery News: Alzheimer’s Symptoms Discovered in Whales and Dolphins!

Surprising and Exciting Discovery News: Alzheimer’s Symptoms Discovered in Whales and Dolphins!

The new study analyzed the brains of 22 toothed whales that washed up on the coast of Scotland. Toothed whales, whose Latin name is Odontoceti, are one of two major groups of whales that include a number of dolphin and orca (killer whale) species. The study, published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, included five … Read more

Scientists find the foundations of the road to Atlantis at the bottom of the sea

Scientists find the foundations of the road to Atlantis at the bottom of the sea

Loading… The strange rock formation was spotted on Ocean Exploration Trust Expedition NA138 while exploring Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, or PMNM, in partnership with NOAA Ocean Exploration and the Office of the National Marine Sanctuary. Photos/ExplorationTrush/NOAA/DailyMail JAKARTA – Expeditions conducted in the Northern Hawaiian Islands discovered artifacts at the bottom of a ravine what appeared … Read more

4 interesting facts about God particles, discoveries of Cern scientists called to unleash the apocalypse

4 interesting facts about God particles, discoveries of Cern scientists called to unleash the apocalypse

Loading… The God particle became one of the mysterious discoveries that shocked many people in 2012. DOK ist photo JAKARTA – The God particle is one discovery mystery that shocked many people in 2012. At its mention, this God particle is better known as the Higgs boson. In short, particles man this is interpreted as … Read more