With digital cameras anyone can be a film director

With digital cameras anyone can be a film director

06/10/2024 a las 13:48h. This feature is only for subscribers Subscribe Sitges (Barcelona), Oct 6 (EFE).- The Italian actor Fabio Testi, who received the Nosferatu award for his career at the Sitges Fantastic Film Festival, has assured that “currently, with digital cameras, anyone can be a film director. Testi said in an interview with EFE, … Read more

Lars Graff welcomes role reversal as essential face for players with Beijing tournament director position – Open 6ème Sens

Lars Graff welcomes role reversal as essential face for players with Beijing tournament director position – Open 6ème Sens

Where do you think your background – whether as an officer in the armed forces, chair umpire or ATP supervisor – has most prepared you to co-direct a tournament of this magnitude? GRAFF: I think it was 25 years of education, sitting in class, learning the ATP side, learning the rules, learning the refereeing world, … Read more

It’s time to get the new vaccines against covid and flu

It’s time to get the new vaccines against covid and flu

Washington – Fall means it’s time for almost everyone to catch up on their flu and Covid-19 vaccines, and many older adults also need protection against another risky winter virus, RSV. Yes, you can receive the flu and Covid-19 vaccines at the same time. Don’t call them boosters: They’re not just another dose of last … Read more

“Strange” feelings when kissing. Mádl and Ramba did not have an easy time filming Deníček

“Strange” feelings when kissing. Mádl and Ramba did not have an easy time filming Deníček

The premiere of the film The Diary of a Modern Photographer was a shame. Journalists did not recognize the author of the book version, Dominik Landsman. According to Jiří Mádl, it was difficult to play a couple with Tereza Ramba, because they are good friends. Why, according to Madel, was it strange to kiss her? … Read more

Harvey Weinstein: Rushed from prison to hospital for heart surgery – 2024-09-10 01:56:56

Harvey Weinstein: Rushed from prison to hospital for heart surgery
 – 2024-09-10 01:56:56

The former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was rushed from a New York prison to a hospital today to undergo emergency heart surgery, ABC News reported, citing unnamed sources. Weinstein, 72, is expected to appear in court this week, where prosecutors will present evidence to a New York grand jury as they try to secure a … Read more

Venice Film Festival: How alive cinema really is

Venice Film Festival: How alive cinema really is

And here’s the reason why you can become addicted to the Venice Film Festival: It takes place on a narrow island in front of a lagoon. When you leave the cinema, your gaze wanders over the sea, which is also an empty blue screen, a promise, a form of possibility. With this view, it became … Read more

The first English-language film by Spanish director Almodóvar won the Golden Lion in Venice

The first English-language film by Spanish director Almodóvar won the Golden Lion in Venice

The Golden Lion, or top prize at the Venice Film Festival, went to The Next Room, the first film made by Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar in English. The statue for the best female performance goes to Nicole Kidman for the erotic thriller Babygirl. However, since her mother died, she did not attend the ceremony. The … Read more

Helsana turns its back on the Hôpital de la Tour: “It’s too quick to say that we are too expensive”, reacts the director – rts.ch

Helsana turns its back on the Hôpital de la Tour: “It’s too quick to say that we are too expensive”, reacts the director – rts.ch

After Groupe Mutuel, it is Helsana’s turn to announce the cessation of reimbursements for stays of its insured persons in private or semi-private wards at the La Tour Hospital in Meyrin (GE). The cause: prices deemed too high. A situation that the director of the private establishment regrets. Since September 2, beneficiaries of private or … Read more