Diet, false myths to dispel: from fat-burning pineapple to pasta to avoid at dinner

Diet, false myths to dispel: from fat-burning pineapple to pasta to avoid at dinner

10/12 ©Getty TOTAL KILOS IN TOTAL DAYS: THE FAST DIETS/2 – Once the kilos lost with an ineffective and often dangerous diet have been regained, the instinct is to start another one, thus giving life to the so-called “yo-yo effect”. What you need to do, if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, … Read more

Dear fuel, the map of the regions where petrol and diesel cost the most

Dear fuel, the map of the regions where petrol and diesel cost the most

8/10 ©Ansa In Umbria, in Cannara (PG), petrol costs 2.319 euros per liter and diesel 2.406 euros per litre. Slightly lower in Venetoa Godego Castle (TV), where petrol costs 2.279 euros per liter and diesel 2.366 euros per litre, and much lower in Molisea Campobassowhere they cost “only” 2.069 and 2.119