the High Authority for Health justifies its negative opinion for the reimbursement of a potential treatment

the High Authority for Health justifies its negative opinion for the reimbursement of a potential treatment

At the end of October, the HAS refused “early” access to Biogen’s Qalsody, indicated in a rare genetic form of the pathology, which aroused the anger of patients. On October 25, the opinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS) had the effect of a cold shower for patients suffering from a rare form of … Read more

If you gain more weight than you were genetically born with, your risk for diabetes increases up to three times.

If you gain more weight than you were genetically born with, your risk for diabetes increases up to three times.

Research has shown that even if you are not overweight, your risk for diabetes increases if your body mass index is higher than genetically predicted. Getty Images A study showed that the risk of diabetes increases when the measured body mass index (BMI) is higher than the genetically predicted body mass index (BMI ). In … Read more

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

[장준홍의 노자와 현대의학] input 2024.11.05 08:42 input 2024.11.05 08:42correction 2024.11.05 08:41 Views 92 [사진=코메디닷컴DB]You can also get the Wegovy injection, the ‘dream obesity treatment’ developed by Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, in Korea. Semaglutide, the main ingredient in Gastric Gobi, is an analogue of the hormone glucagon, called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is secreted in … Read more

No more eating white rice but why is your blood sugar still high? Dr Zaidul Akbar said it would be better…

No more eating white rice but why is your blood sugar still high? Dr Zaidul Akbar said it would be better… – People with disease Diabetes now increasing, not only for people in their later years, now many young people have experienced blood sugar which is high. When blood sugar is high, several methods are recommended to reduce it. One way is to reduce consumption nasi white. However, sometimes you reduce white rice or even … Read more

Yang Hye-seung, who lost 35 kg, “My blood sugar level was 300”… Did you go on a diet after being so shocked?

Yang Hye-seung, who lost 35 kg, “My blood sugar level was 300”… Did you go on a diet after being so shocked?

[셀럽헬스] Singer Yang Hye-seung diet input 2024.10.26 12:46 input 2024.10.26 12:46correction 2024.10.26 14:22 Views 228 Yang Hye-seung’s before and after weight loss of 35 kg. [사진= tvN ‘프리한 닥터’ 방송화면 캡처]Singer Yang Hye-seung shared the news of her success in losing 35 kg. On tvN’s ‘Free Doctor’ broadcast on the 25th, former Miss Korea singer … Read more

Karolina was diagnosed with diabetes by chance: ‘I took care of everyone but myself’

Karolina was diagnosed with diabetes by chance: ‘I took care of everyone but myself’

Risk of serious complications Door Roxanne Vis·2 minutes ago·Modified: 1 minute ago © Anna Schoemaker – Precious Stories RTL Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common conditions. And contrary to what many people think, according to the Diabetes Fund, it is not ‘easy to live with’. The good news? If you catch it … Read more

Consumption alters liver metabolism and may favor diabetes, researchers find

Consumption alters liver metabolism and may favor diabetes, researchers find

Researchers from the University of Leicester, in Great Britain, found that tuberculosis disturbs the metabolism of glucose in the body, reports The findings, published in the journal PLoS Pathogenscompleting the knowledge that diabetes reduces the symptoms of tuberculosis. Importantly, researchers now say that undiagnosed TB could push vulnerable patients to bmetabolic diseases such as … Read more

European medical school education is also changing due to climate change… What are the new subjects?

European medical school education is also changing due to climate change… What are the new subjects?

European medical schools plan to increase the proportion of classes on mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever input 2024.10.19 21:30 input 2024.10.19 21:30correction 2024.10.18 16:19 Views 5 As record-breaking heat continues around the world this year, a wind of change is blowing in medical school classes due to climate change. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Not only in Korea but … Read more

a more effective and less toxic treatment is proven in the United States

a more effective and less toxic treatment is proven in the United States

DECRYPTION – A clinical trial shows the benefits of combining immunotherapy and chemotherapy against this cancer which occurs half of the time before the age of 35. But the American experience will not be directly applicable to France, because the reference protocol is different. For the American doctorsit is a “practice changing” study: its results, … Read more

Teenagers with coronavirus have a 50% increased risk of developing this disease after 1 month?

Teenagers with coronavirus have a 50% increased risk of developing this disease after 1 month?

If you are obese or overweight, your risk doubles. input 2024.10.17 22:04 input 2024.10.17 22:04correction 2024.10.17 17:37 Views 0 Children and adolescents infected with COVID-19 were found to be more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with other respiratory diseases. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]Research has shown that COVID-19 may increase the risk of diabetes in … Read more