Follow the doctor’s advice and take medicine regularly to prevent new crowns and chronic diseases|hypertension

Follow the doctor’s advice and take medicine regularly to prevent new crowns and chronic diseases|hypertension

Reposted from: Chengdu Daily Jinguan Follow the doctor’s advice and take medicine regularly to prevent new crowns and chronic diseases One of the happiest things about the Chinese New Year is the delicious food, the gathering of relatives and friends, and the lively chatter. For patients with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and … Read more

A citizen reveals the secret of his recovery from diabetes after he took 5 insulin needles a day • Al Marsad Newspaper

A citizen reveals the secret of his recovery from diabetes after he took 5 insulin needles a day • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: “Hamad Al-Harbi,” one of those recovering from diabetes, revealed, in a video clip circulating on social media, his experience in recovering from diabetes. Al-Harbi said, “I have been suffering from diabetes for 8 years, and my weight has reached 147 kilos. At first I was taking tablets, and then I got to taking … Read more

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Sugar Crash – Style

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Sugar Crash – Style

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The condition of lowering blood glucose indicates a condition sugar crash which This results in a sudden drop in energy levels Verywell Health. The body responds to sugar intake by producing and releasing insulin into the bloodstream. Insulin is a hormone that pulls glucose into cells to use as energy and helps … Read more

For diabetics.. 4 tips to prevent diabetic foot complications, most notably

For diabetics.. 4 tips to prevent diabetic foot complications, most notably

If you have diabetes, it is important that you keep your blood sugar in the target range as much as possible. This can help prevent or delay complications of diabetes, although genetics also plays a role in its development. High blood sugar over a long period increases the risk of developing a range of complications, … Read more

Successful Testing of the Artificial Pancreas on 26 Diabetic Volunteers • Al Marsad Newspaper

Successful Testing of the Artificial Pancreas on 26 Diabetic Volunteers • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: British doctors succeeded in testing an artificial pancreas to stabilize the level of sugar and insulin in the body of 26 volunteers with type 2 diabetes. The artificial pancreas, which was tested in Britain, constantly monitors the change in the concentration of sugar in the patient’s body, and determines the amount of insulin … Read more

4 Types of Breakfast for Diabetics: Delicious and Easy to Make

4 Types of Breakfast for Diabetics: Delicious and Easy to Make

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia — Breakfast not only good for activity, but also good for maintaining your health. There are several breakfasts for sufferers diabetes. Research shows that breakfast can reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. Research results published in The Journal of Nutrition it concluded that the habit of skipping breakfast is associated with a higher … Read more

3 myths about diabetes that must be eliminated.. Know them

3 myths about diabetes that must be eliminated.. Know them

There are many misconceptions about diabetes that need to be checked. According to the “indiatoday” website, diabetes is a lifestyle disease that has been developed due to poor health choices, including: Excessive sugar intake And not to exercise. This chronic disease occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, the hormone that regulates blood … Read more

Do you suffer from high blood sugar in the winter? Here are 8 simple and effective tips

Do you suffer from high blood sugar in the winter? Here are 8 simple and effective tips

Extreme temperatures can have a negative impact on the body’s ability to make insulin And using it, as the temperature drops, blood sugar levels increase in many people with diabetes. Everyone needs a little extra care and attention when the seasons change. This is especially important if you or a family member has diabetes because … Read more