“Cancer patients have a low risk of dementia”…Cancer and dementia are inversely proportional?

“Cancer patients have a low risk of dementia”…Cancer and dementia are inversely proportional?

Could the conflicting elements hidden in the biological mechanisms of the two diseases be the key to treatment? input 2024.11.18 22:04 input 2024.11.18 22:04correction 2024.11.18 18:22 Views 0 Patients with a history of cancer have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, and patients with Alzheimer’s disease have a lower risk of developing cancer. This … Read more

“There are too many cases without symptoms”… What is the worst habit that causes cancer?

“There are too many cases without symptoms”… What is the worst habit that causes cancer?

Common cancer symptoms… weight loss, fatigue, abdominal discomfort input 2024.11.15 14:40 input 2024.11.15 14:40correction 2024.11.15 14:21 Views 1,155 Lung cancer, which ranks first in cancer mortality in Korea, is very difficult to diagnose because even after it has progressed to a certain extent, there are no abnormalities other than a cold-like cough and phlegm. The … Read more

Safe blood sugar levels for patients and healthy people and risk indicators

Safe blood sugar levels for patients and healthy people and risk indicators

Today falls on November 14 every year World Diabetes Awareness DayIn this context, we present in the following lines everything related to safe sugar levels for patients and healthy people. Natural proportions of sugar Dr. Mamdouh El-Sherbiny, Professor of Internal Medicine and Hematology at Cairo University, explained that the International Diabetes Federation has currently approved … Read more

NHSO is campaigning for “World Diabetes Day” and supporting village health volunteers to control diabetes in the community.

NHSO is campaigning for “World Diabetes Day” and supporting village health volunteers to control diabetes in the community.

NHSO joins the Sheriff’s Day 2024 campaign “Happy body, happy mind, clear world, diabetes care” and supports municipal health volunteers to control the disease diabetes in the community Support government policy Prevent and control chronic non-communicable diseases along with advising people to be aware of health risks Avoid diabetes risk factors and exercise regularly On … Read more

November 14, World Sickness Day Thai people are sick, rising to 6.5 million Carb counting is recommended to reduce the risk of disease.

November 14, World Sickness Day Thai people are sick, rising to 6.5 million Carb counting is recommended to reduce the risk of disease.

Ministry of Public Health (Ministry of Public Health). world disease day November 14 shows concern: Thai people are sick “Diabetes” 6.5 million people recommend changing behavior to reduce the risk of disease Choose a variety of food to eat, emphasizing vegetables and fruits that are low in sugar. Do regular physical activity Today (13 November … Read more

“Because of the worst eating habits that destroy the pancreas and make you gain weight”… What are the foods to lose weight?

“Because of the worst eating habits that destroy the pancreas and make you gain weight”… What are the foods to lose weight?

High-calorie/high-fat foods, frequent overeating can overwork the pancreas input 2024.11.09 15:03 input 2024.11.09 15:03correction 2024.11.09 14:13 Views 7,215 When talking about healthy foods, vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, fish, and poultry (chicken, duck, etc.) are always mentioned. These foods help prevent obesity and are good for diabetes and the pancreas. It is low in calories … Read more

“Are you losing weight for no reason?”… Be suspicious of ‘cancers like these’ first!

“Are you losing weight for no reason?”… Be suspicious of ‘cancers like these’ first!

If you lose more than 5% of your body weight in 6 months to 1 year… Lung cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer may be in the ‘early stages.’ input 2024.11.11 14:04 input 2024.11.11 14:04correction 2024.11.11 11:49 Views 62 It’s not just people who are worried about gaining weight. Some people are afraid of losing … Read more

Somsak goes on a tour to wake up Thai people to stay away from NCDs in 11 northeastern provinces.

Somsak goes on a tour to wake up Thai people to stay away from NCDs in 11 northeastern provinces.

10 November 2024 Mr. Somsak Thepsuthin, Minister of Public Health Together with officials from the Ministry of Public Health, visited the area to inspect the construction of Phra Achan Man Phurithatto Hospital, Chaitawee Lumbong Karun Vej Center. by government officials We were welcomed by local ministry officials and village health volunteers. After entering the worship … Read more

the High Authority for Health justifies its negative opinion for the reimbursement of a potential treatment

the High Authority for Health justifies its negative opinion for the reimbursement of a potential treatment

At the end of October, the HAS refused “early” access to Biogen’s Qalsody, indicated in a rare genetic form of the pathology, which aroused the anger of patients. On October 25, the opinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS) had the effect of a cold shower for patients suffering from a rare form of … Read more

If you gain more weight than you were genetically born with, your risk for diabetes increases up to three times.

If you gain more weight than you were genetically born with, your risk for diabetes increases up to three times.

Research has shown that even if you are not overweight, your risk for diabetes increases if your body mass index is higher than genetically predicted. Getty Images A study showed that the risk of diabetes increases when the measured body mass index (BMI) is higher than the genetically predicted body mass index (BMI ). In … Read more