Promising New Study: Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Offers Hope for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment

Promising New Study: Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Offers Hope for Type 1 Diabetes Treatment

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and kills the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Patients with type 1 diabetes are dependent on externally administered insulin to survive. Now, a new study brings them a ray of hope. Researchers at St Vincent’s Medical Research Institute … Read more

Golden Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for Diabetic Patients

Golden Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for Diabetic Patients

The lifestyle of a diabetic patient must be healthy and neutral, as it is an integrated system Diabetic Follow them so that he can maintain his health and safety, and with the aim of always maintaining stable blood sugar levels without rising. Dr. Ahmed Abdel Latif El-Gammal, a consultant for internal medicine and diabetes in … Read more

FDA Approves New Drug to Delay Onset of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Young Adults

FDA Approves New Drug to Delay Onset of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Young Adults

Written by Amal Allam Saturday, August 12, 2023 12:00 PM Dr. Enas Shaltout, Professor of Internal Medicine, Diabetes and Endocrinology at Kasr El-Ainy Medicine, revealed that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the launch of a new drug to delay the onset of type 1 diabetes, and delay the onset of type … Read more

Tips for Controlling Diabetes Without Medication: Lifestyle Changes to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Tips for Controlling Diabetes Without Medication: Lifestyle Changes to Manage Blood Sugar Levels

Written by Fatima Khalil Saturday, July 29, 2023 04:00 AM Diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. It affects millions of people around the world, and while medications can play a vital role in managing the condition, exploring natural and healthy lifestyle changes can change your blood sugar level, from eating … Read more

“Canagliflozin: A Promising Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases, According to Swansea University Researchers”

“Canagliflozin: A Promising Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases, According to Swansea University Researchers”

Researchers at Swansea University have suggested that a medication commonly used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes may also be effective for treating autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Canagliflozin, or Invokana, is known to target T-cells, which are an essential part of the immune system that can attack healthy tissues … Read more

“New Study Reveals Natural Defense Against Insulin Shock”

“New Study Reveals Natural Defense Against Insulin Shock”

A little over a century has passed since the discovery of insulin, a period of time during which the hormone’s therapeutic powers have expanded. Insulin is an essential treatment for type 1 diabetes. Roughly 8.4 million Americans use insulin, according to the American Diabetes Association. Medical Express In a new study published April 20, 2023, … Read more

Can you cure diabetes without drugs? … you know the details

Can you cure diabetes without drugs? … you know the details

Type 2 diabetes is the preventable type and some of the associated risk factorsdiabetic The second type is adjustable in nature, such as: weight loss and a healthy diet, but it is possible to cure diabetes without drugs … This is what we learn in the following lines, according to the “Times of India” website. … Read more

a major advance in therapies without insulin injection

a major advance in therapies without insulin injection

Using stem cells from the pancreas of a type 1 diabetic donor, researchers have succeeded in producing insulin. A possible advance towards new therapies to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes, without insulin injections or surgery. – You may also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Venom to treat diabetes, obesity and allergies In the south … Read more

Know Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, What’s the Difference? page all

Know Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, What’s the Difference?  page all – Diabetes is a health problem related to blood sugar, has been found in Indonesia. This chronic disease is characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose is the main source of energy for the cells of the human body. Glucose that accumulates in the blood due to not being absorbed by the body’s … Read more