Corona virus measures: First curfew imposed in Bavaria

Corona virus measures: First curfew imposed in Bavaria

AA Eurowings plane landed at Berlin-Schönefeld airport on Wednesday, in which a passenger with suspected corona was sitting. The airline reported this suspicion, the airport then ensured that an ambulance and a medical officer drove to the plane, said an airport spokesman in the evening. The RBB had initially reported this. The passenger was brought … Read more

Coronavirus: All German islands in the North Sea and Baltic Sea closed to tourists

Coronavirus: All German islands in the North Sea and Baltic Sea closed to tourists

Turkey stops entry from nine countries – including Germany Turkey has banned travelers from nine European countries to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The Turkish Interior Ministry said on Saturday. The border was closed to people from Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden. People from third countries who have … Read more

Additional Italian measures against coronavirus: almost all shops closed NOW

Italy closes all stores nationwide in the fight against the further spread of the corona virus. Only pharmacies, drugstores, supermarkets and food shops will remain open, Italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte announced on Wednesday evening. Service stores such as barber shops and beauty salons should also close the doors, the prime minister said during a … Read more

Coronavirus from A to Z – Release

Coronavirus from A to Z – Release

like animal The World Health Organization (WHO) reminded him as early as January 12: “The data seem to clearly indicate that the outbreak is associated with exposures at a fish market in Wuhan” (see: Hubei). The hypothesis of a zoonosis, a disease transmitted by animals, is therefore preferred. February 7, the scientific journal Nature asks: … Read more

Jens Nygaard Knudsen, creator of the Lego doll, died

Jens Nygaard Knudsen, creator of the Lego doll, died

Jens Nygaard Knudsen, the creator of the world famous legopoppetje, has passed away. The Dane died on Wednesday at the age of 78, report from employees of the toy manufacturer. “He leaves behind a loving woman, three children, two grandchildren and more than eight billion little plastic people who have been brought to life in … Read more

Corona cartoon: Red flag with golden viruses upset China

Corona cartoon: Red flag with golden viruses upset China

NAfter the outbreak of the new type of lung disease in China, the People’s Republic feels disparaged by an illustration of a Danish newspaper. This shows a Chinese flag in which the five gold stars have been replaced by stylized viruses. – – The corona cartoon in the “Jyllands-Posten” from January 27th. Editor-in-chief Jacob Nybroe … Read more

Low levels of blood lymphocytes indicate an increased risk of death

Low levels of blood lymphocytes indicate an increased risk of death

MOSCOW, Jan 13 – RIA News. Danish scientists have found that low levels of lymphocytes in the blood indicate an increased risk of premature death. Research results published In the magazine Canadian medical association journal. — Lymphocytes are blood cells from the group of leukocytes that are responsible for the body’s resistance. These are cells … Read more