The Democrat plans to set up a commission to check Trump’s health. He wants to know if he is able to lead the country – ČT24 – Czech Television

The Democrat plans to set up a commission to check Trump’s health.  He wants to know if he is able to lead the country – ČT24 – Czech Television

“The law will establish a commission overseeing the president’s ability to perform the powers and duties arising from his functions,” the Pelosi office said on Thursday. The Commission would be set up under the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution, which specifies procedures in the event that the head of state is unable to perform … Read more

Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transition of power in the United States | USA Elections 2020

Trump refuses to commit to peaceful transition of power in the United States |  USA Elections 2020

Donald Trump continues to claim, without evidence, that there is fraud in mailing ballot papers Reuters/TOM BRENNER The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has refused to guarantee that he will contribute to a peaceful transition of power if he is defeated in the next presidential election. The position, never heard from the mouth … Read more

What is the PD-Attorney General’s relationship, why is it defended?

What is the PD-Attorney General’s relationship, why is it defended?

Jakarta – Democratic Party Elite (PD) Rachland Nashidik pointing out Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) attack Attorney General ST Burhanuddin case related Joko Soegiarto Tjandra alias Djoko Tjandra. Maki countered the accusation by questioning the relationship between the PD and the Attorney General. “One thing that is different is that I ask back, whether this is … Read more

If London violates EU agreement, US Congress does not approve trade treaty, says Pelosi | Brexit

If London violates EU agreement, US Congress does not approve trade treaty, says Pelosi |  Brexit

If, as is speculated, the intention of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, in advancing a pproposal for a law on the British internal market which contradicts the terms set out in the Protocol of Ireland accompanying the “Brexit” agreement, was to pressure the European Union to make concessions in the negotiations of the future trade … Read more

Viral tweet of ‘Paha Wawalkot Candidate of Tangsel’, Rahayu Saraswati talks about harassment

Viral tweet of ‘Paha Wawalkot Candidate of Tangsel’, Rahayu Saraswati talks about harassment

Jakarta – Candidates for Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang (Tangsel), Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, talks about sexual harassment of women. This responds to the viral tweet of the Democratic Party (PD) politician Cipta Panca Laksana at the-retweet by Said Didu about ‘the thighs of the candidates for Deputy Mayor of Tangsel are smooth’. This viral started … Read more

Biden: “Trump has failed to protect us, and that is unforgivable”

Biden: “Trump has failed to protect us, and that is unforgivable”

Former Vice President of the United States Joe Biden he harshly criticized this Thursday the management of the Covid-19 pandemic of his rival in the elections next November, the president Donald Trump, and He promised to guide the country out of this “dark season.” “The President has failed in his most basic duty to the … Read more

The Darkest in US History

The Darkest in US History

VIRGINIA, – President United States of America ( AS) Donald Trump criticized and cursed the National Convention Democratic party. Trump called the convention, which ran for four nights, as the darkest, most exasperated and grim convention in US history. Speaking on Friday (21/8/2020) in Virginia, Trump criticized the Democrats for “attacking” the US for … Read more

“I will get the best of us, not the worst.” Biden wants to be president of light – ČT24 – Czech Television

“I will get the best of us, not the worst.” Biden wants to be president of light – ČT24 – Czech Television

“I accept the nomination for the office of President of the United States with great honor and humility,” said Biden, 70, in a speech that commentators have identified as the most important in his 50-year political career. He promised to be president not only of those who cast his vote in the November 3 election, … Read more

The flag of Mississippi fell, where the memory of white supremacy still lived | USA

The flag of Mississippi fell, where the memory of white supremacy still lived |  USA

In a decision that few believed possible just two months ago, the Mississippi State Congress on Sunday approved the replacement of its flag with the support of a large majority in the Republican Party. The turning point was the wave of anti-racism protests prompted by the assassination of George Floyd, which led universities and several … Read more

“The situation in Puerto Rico is very different from that of Washington DC”

“The situation in Puerto Rico is very different from that of Washington DC”

The vote of the United States House of Representatives in favor of the HR 51 bill that would make Washington DC a state – if approved by the Senate and signed by the President, Donald J. Trump– It would not represent an advance in favor of statehood at all, in Puerto Rico, due to the … Read more