He made her go to the doctor.. A woman reveals the first symptoms of a dangerous type of cancer

He made her go to the doctor.. A woman reveals the first symptoms of a dangerous type of cancer

8:00 pm Sunday 18 December 2022 Books – Sayed Metwally Without treatment, the most important weapon in the fight against cancer is early diagnosis. Identifying the warning signs can help you recognize the condition early and improve your prognosis. A British patient recovering from bowel cancer revealed early symptoms prompting her to seek medical attention, … Read more

Pain during bowel movements can be a sign of cancer, recognize the symptoms

Pain during bowel movements can be a sign of cancer, recognize the symptoms

Loading… Pain during bowel movements can be a sign of cancer to watch out for. There are a number of reasons someone might feel sick with constipation. Photos/Getty Images JAKARTA – Nyeri moment defecate it could be a sign cancer what to watch out for. There are a number of reasons someone might feel bad … Read more