5 Summer Fruits That Help Get Rid of Belly Fat

5 Summer Fruits That Help Get Rid of Belly Fat

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutrition experts revealed 5 summer fruits that help get rid of belly fat, according to Food.Ndtv. Summer is the perfect time to indulge in delicious and refreshing fruits that not only satisfy your taste buds but also help you shed those extra pounds. Nutrition experts have identified five summer fruits that are particularly … Read more

Beetroot Juice Halves Heart Attack Risk in Patients with Stents: Study

Beetroot Juice Halves Heart Attack Risk in Patients with Stents: Study

Al-Marsad newspaper: A recent study revealed that beetroot juice helps reduce the risk of a heart attack. The researchers found that drinking just 70ml a day of beetroot juice halved heart attacks or other complications in patients who had a stent (a tube-shaped device placed in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart … Read more

The Minister of Energy promises “a reduction in the uncomfortable queues” to buy fuel in Cuba

The Minister of Energy promises “a reduction in the uncomfortable queues” to buy fuel in Cuba

Without fully complying with the previous ones, Vicente de la O Levy, Minister of Energy and Mines, made a new promise: there will soon be a decrease in the “uncomfortable queues” at the service centers, after a month of the abrupt interruption last April that almost paralyzed the country. This is what he said this … Read more

“The World Health Organization Urges Complete Refrain from Sugar Substitutes for Weight Control”

“The World Health Organization Urges Complete Refrain from Sugar Substitutes for Weight Control”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The World Health Organization called for the need to completely refrain from using sugar substitutes, in order to control weight. The experts concluded that sugar substitutes, “artificial sweeteners”, do not provide any long-term benefit in reducing the percentage of body fat accumulated in adults or children. Long-term use of sweeteners can contribute to … Read more

“Russian Missile Attack on Uman: At Least 10 People Dead and Several Buildings Damaged”

“Russian Missile Attack on Uman: At Least 10 People Dead and Several Buildings Damaged”

the occupiers fired two rockets at the city. On the night of April 28, the Russian army attacked with two missiles Uman in the Cherkasy region. There was a hit in a residential building. As of 10:05, ten people have already died. Rescue work continues. TSN.ua collected photos and videos of the consequences of enemy … Read more

Newcastle University nutritionist Emma Beckett found pasta, chocolate, yogurt, and berries can aid weight loss.

Newcastle University nutritionist Emma Beckett found pasta, chocolate, yogurt, and berries can aid weight loss.

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutritionist Emma Beckett of Newcastle University revealed, in a study, a number of unexpected foods that help lose weight. pasta And Emma indicated that people lose more weight when their diet includes pasta regularly, so instead of quitting eating it, consider only reducing the size of the meal, according to “Sky News”. Emma … Read more

“Beneficial Ramadan Beverage: Promotes Weight Loss and Destroys Cancer Cells”

“Beneficial Ramadan Beverage: Promotes Weight Loss and Destroys Cancer Cells”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Studies have revealed many benefits of hibiscus drink, as it can help in weight loss, reduce the growth of bacteria and cancer cells, and support heart and liver health. There are several hundred species of hibiscus, varying depending on the location and climate in which they are grown, but hibiscus ‘subdiriva’ is most … Read more

10 Low-sugar Fruits Contribute to Rapid Weight Loss • Al-Marsad Newspaper

10 Low-sugar Fruits Contribute to Rapid Weight Loss • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: HealthifyMe revealed the 10 best low-carb fruits for those looking for a safe health system. These fruits are very useful, especially for patients with diabetes and blood glucose fluctuations, so these people should not eat dried fruits or drink fruit juices. Experts advise eating the 10 best fruits that are low in sugar … Read more

It stimulates insulin production..Discovering a common and cheap drink that lowers blood sugar levels

It stimulates insulin production..Discovering a common and cheap drink that lowers blood sugar levels

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The benefits of boiled cumin stem from the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of this drink. It is also anti-bacterial and a good disinfectant. It was also found to stimulate insulin production, which reduces blood sugar levels. Here are the most important benefits of boiled cumin: 1- Promoting stomach health Eating cumin boil helps … Read more

When taken daily, a recent study reveals a new surprise about “aspirin” that reduces a serious disease that kills women

When taken daily, a recent study reveals a new surprise about “aspirin” that reduces a serious disease that kills women

Al-Marsad newspaper: A recent study revealed that taking a daily aspirin may make women less likely to develop common ovarian cancer. The results of the study indicated that frequent use of aspirin may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, regardless of the woman’s genetic susceptibility to infection, according to the British newspaper “The Sun”. The … Read more