when the RN voter is considered a pest to be ostracized

when the RN voter is considered a pest to be ostracized

Par Michael Sadoun Published on 05/06/2024 at 6:23 p.m., Updated on 05/06/2024 at 7:04 p.m. Colombe, present at Marine Le Pen’s meeting on May 1 in Perpignan. Screenshot TF1/Paul Larrouturou FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE – For columnist Michaël Sadoun, the banishment of a volunteer from Restos du coeur, who was then reinstated by the association, is indicative of the … Read more

Lilia Lemoine: “Parece que no le quieren dar poderes al Presidente porque estn ofendidos”

Lilia Lemoine: “Parece que no le quieren dar poderes al Presidente porque estn ofendidos”

Empowering the President for Economic ‍Recovery In the early hours of Tuesday morning, during a marathon session to discuss the Executive Branch’s project, ruling party deputy Lilia Lemoine took the floor and reiterated her support for the ⁣proposed legislation. Lemoine ‌defended her vote for the Bases Law, ‌emphasizing the importance of granting necessary ‍powers to​ … Read more

AMLO criticizes that in the debate no progress of his government was recognized

AMLO criticizes that in the debate no progress of his government was recognized

Mexico City. The narrative of Sunday’s presidential debate and the questions asked by the moderators was to “recognize absolutely nothing” of the progress made by this government, criticized President Andrés Manuel López Obrador this Tuesday, who assured that this strategy had no results. , because he said that the people “are already very aware.” “How … Read more

They make the second debate in Jalisco a ‘train’ of attacks

They make the second debate in Jalisco a ‘train’ of attacks

In the second debate for the Governor of Jalisco, the candidates drew attention for their proposals and grimaces, such as Laura Haro. After finishing the exercise, the candidate of the PAN-PRI-PRD coalition was confident of winning. Despite the multiple accusations made against her, Morenoist Claudia Delgadillo said she was satisfied after the debate. Will the … Read more

Men’s Equality Challenges: Perspectives from Minority Backgrounds

Men’s Equality Challenges: Perspectives from Minority Backgrounds

The debate post expresses the writer’s opinions. (Newspaper Oslo): The report from The men’s committee, which was set up by the government two years ago, is expected to be published this spring. The committee aims to investigate men’s equality challenges and propose measures to meet them. Recent concerns about men’s equality challenges together with statistics, … Read more

Of 108 questions, moderators of the 1st debate will choose 30

Of 108 questions, moderators of the 1st debate will choose 30

Mexico City. The National Electoral Institute (INE) gave the moderators of the first presidential debate, Denise Maerker and Manuel López San Martín, the 108 citizen questions, of which they will have to select 30 on which this exercise to be carried out next Sunday will be based. Upon receiving the envelope with the questions selected … Read more

Government Measures to Limit Nature Loss in Gudbrandsdalen: Local Politicians Learn from Mistakes and Sins

Government Measures to Limit Nature Loss in Gudbrandsdalen: Local Politicians Learn from Mistakes and Sins

comments expresses the writer’s opinions. (Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen): There are few signs that the government will hold the municipalities tighter in their ears in an attempt to limit the development of new areas and more nature loss. Perhaps it is not punishment and over-control that is needed either. Local politicians have learned from past mistakes and … Read more

The Debate Post: Discussing Men’s Challenges Without Derailment

The Debate Post: Discussing Men’s Challenges Without Derailment

The debate post expresses the writer’s opinions. In recent weeks, the debate about the boys has raged again. FpU leader Simen Velle started it all with an honorable, but clumsy, attempt to raise the challenge of loneliness among men. He regretted that presentation of the point. Many times. Rightly. Because instead of being about loneliness, … Read more

Trump throws down the gauntlet to Biden – Debate anywhere, anytime – 2024-03-07 17:01:38

Trump throws down the gauntlet to Biden – Debate anywhere, anytime
 – 2024-03-07 17:01:38

Donald Trump, who now seems certain to be the Republican candidate for the presidency in this year’s elections in USAassured yesterday Wednesday that he is ready to participate in phone battles with his Democratic opponent, the president Joe Biden“anywhere, anytime”. “It is important, for the good of our country, that Joe Biden and I discuss … Read more