Coronavirus. Cases in Mexico by state, map as of April 14

Coronavirus. Cases in Mexico by state, map as of April 14

The Ministry of Health reported that 385 cases of coronavirus were added and the death from the disease of 74 people was confirmed; so the total is 5 thousand 399 infected and deaths increased to 406. During the afternoon conference, agency authorities explained that after getting the new coronavirus, 2,125 people have recovered from the … Read more

Coronavirus. Medical personnel will use special trucks in the face of attacks

Coronavirus. Medical personnel will use special trucks in the face of attacks

With medical personnel as a priority in fight against the coronavirus in Mexico, the director of Medical Benefits of the IMSS, Víctor Hugo Borja Aburto, reported that a 20% bonus of salary to employees to care for people with covid-19, from treating doctors to cleaning staff; The measure will be effective from March 16. Accompanied … Read more

Coronavirus April 11. Breaking news

Coronavirus April 11. Breaking news

The number of deaths from covid-19 in Mexico amounts to 233, Health authorities reported during the daily press conference to talk about the situation in the country facing the coronavir pandemicus. Likewise, the head of the National Commission against Addictions (Conadic), Gady Zabicky Sirot, called not to increase the consumption of alcoholic beverages, since could … Read more

The death toll in Mexico rises to 233 from Covid-19

The death toll in Mexico rises to 233 from Covid-19

MEXICO CITY Until this Friday, April 10, there are already 233 deaths due to the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, according to health authorities, who detailed that the infections by the pathogen amount to 3,844. It may interest you: Removing quarantine too quickly can lead to ‘fatal flare-up’, WHO alert At a press conference from … Read more

Coronavirus in Mexico live: news from April 10

Coronavirus in Mexico live: news from April 10

More than 100 days have passed since in China the first cases of the Coronavirus, the pandemic that spread throughout Asia and Europe and later reached Mexico and other countries on the American continent. In our country there are more than 100 deaths and more than 3 thousand infections. The quarantine in Mexico has caused … Read more

Coronavirus Mexico. Updated map with cases by state

Coronavirus Mexico. Updated map with cases by state

Digital Millennium Mexico City / 04/10/2020 14:07:17 The Ministry of Health reported that they have died in the country 194 people for coronavirus and 3,441 cases of the disease have been detected. In addition, the director of the National Blood Transfusion Center Jorge Trejo Gómora, explained that it is investigating whether the plasma of the … Read more

“If I started to see daily deaths increase, that would worry me a lot.”

“If I started to see daily deaths increase, that would worry me a lot.”

The Health Department monitors close to 500 people who are suspected of having been in contact with any patient with the Covid-19 coronavirus, as part of the efforts to carry out this screening that, in the first weeks since they began to register infections, it was practically non-existent. “Right now I understand that the number … Read more

Portugal has carried out 110 thousand diagnostic tests since 1 March

Portugal has carried out 110 thousand diagnostic tests since 1 March

Portugal has carried out 110,000 diagnostic tests on Covid-19 since March 1, the Secretary of State for Health announced today. “In this collective decisive phase in the fight against the virus, it is important to note that Portugal continues to increase the number of tests carried out. Since March 1, 110 thousand diagnostic tests have … Read more

“This will be the hardest week, a moment like 9-11” – Telemundo McAllen (40)

“This will be the hardest week, a moment like 9-11” – Telemundo McAllen (40)

WASHINGTON – The US director of public health warned Sunday that due to the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus, “this will be the hardest week, the saddest week, in the lives of most Americans.” Jerome Adams added: “Next week will be our Pearl Harbor moment, it will be our September 11 moment, it … Read more