“Japan’s Aggressive Export Restrictions on Chip Manufacturing Equipment and Their Impact on China”

2023-05-25 19:11 Last Update: 19:18 Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry recently announced that the export restrictions on 23 types of chip manufacturing equipment will come into effect as soon as July 23 this year. It is reported that Japan’s technology ban is more aggressive than that of the United States. What’s wrong with … Read more

“Should China Accept the United States as Co-leader of the World?”

2023-05-05 19:27 Last Update: 19:45 “The Pacific Ocean is big enough to accommodate China and the United States,” this is Xi Jinping’s famous saying. Today, the topic I want to talk about is whether China should accept the United States as the co-leader of the world. The American economy is in crisis. AP pictures First … Read more

“Joe Biden Announces 2024 Presidential Run Amid Economic and Technological Struggle with China”

April 27, 2023 18:24 Last Update: 20:21 With 70% of the polls saying that they should not seek re-election, Biden announced that he will run for the presidency in 2024. The United States continues to be old-fashioned, and Biden has a good chance of making the United States lose to China. AP pictures The current … Read more

“The Decline of the US Reputation: Hillary Clinton’s Perspective and the Rise of China”

April 25, 2023 17:44 Last Update: 18:00 When I was Secretary of State, a large part of my job was rebuilding confidence in America after the George Bush administration. It’s not easy. Senior Chinese officials hardly miss an opportunity to claim that the US is responsible for the 2008 global financial crisis, and they like … Read more

“Ren Zhengfei’s Ambitious Plan to Dominate the Automotive Operating System Market: The Battle Between Technology and Car Companies”

April 24, 2023 18:52 Last Update: 18:59 Ren Zhengfei is not only feared by the United States, Huawei’s recent development has also made Chinese companies vigilant. Everyone can see clearly that he was once hailed as “China’s Steve Jobs.” However, he seems to subvert the personal computer market. In the 1990s Gates, the founder of … Read more

U.S.-China Relations: Can America Keep Up with China’s Rise?

April 21, 2023 18:31 Last Update: 18:46 In recent years, some people believe that the United States is declining, and China will surpass the United States to become the world’s largest economy. Therefore, many people worry that conflicts between the United States and China will inevitably break out… The narrative of American decline has been … Read more

Introducing Taiwan’s “Lucky Star”: The Bite-Sized Meal Rewarding Americans

March 30, 2023 18:33 Last Update: 18:52 “Taiwan has a very unique position in East Asia. Taiwan’s economy cannot be completely dependent on China. Instead, it must cooperate closely with the United States and Japan to integrate and upgrade Taiwan’s technology and economy, and then transfer the digested technology to Southeast Asia and India. It … Read more

China’s “three-year defeat”, is the East in danger?

“If Xi Jinping needs to undergo free democratic elections, will the Chinese people still elect him for re-election?” This is a question from the German “Daily Mirror” about China’s future. “Looking at his performance, it’s unlikely. In the first year he took office, China’s economic growth rate was as high as 7.8%, and then continued … Read more