Joaquín Silva and Carlos Muñoz boosted Santiago Wanderers’ 6-0 victory over San Luis with doubles – 2024-06-05 23:53:06

Joaquín Silva and Carlos Muñoz boosted Santiago Wanderers’ 6-0 victory over San Luis with doubles
 – 2024-06-05 23:53:06

S.Wanderers gained decisively over San Luis, with a powerful 6-0 win within the match performed this Wednesday on the Playa Ancha stadium comparable to date 10. The targets of the match for the native staff had been scored by Marcelo Cañete (18′ 1T, from a free kick), Carlos Muñoz (11′ 2T and 27′ 2T), Juan … Read more

Curicó Unidos comes again and attracts towards Santiago Wanderers – 2024-05-20 06:20:25

Curicó Unidos comes again and attracts towards Santiago Wanderers
 – 2024-05-20 06:20:25

S.Wanderers began the sport profitable with targets from Jorge Gatica (21′ 1T) and Juan Ignacio Duma (30′ 1T), however David Escalante (3′ 2T) and Diego Rojas (33′ 2T) got here to show the rating round and provides Curicó the tie on the Playa Ancha stadium. S.Wanderers began the sport profitable with targets from Jorge Gatica … Read more

Santiago Wanderers will face Santiago Morning on date 11 – 2024-05-04 19:44:28

Santiago Wanderers will face Santiago Morning on date 11
 – 2024-05-04 19:44:28

Santiago Wanderers will face Santiago Morning on date 11 #Santiago #Wanderers #face #Santiago #Morning #date

Santiago Wanderers beat D. La Serena 2-1 as a visitor – 2024-03-10 15:03:11

Santiago Wanderers beat D. La Serena 2-1 as a visitor 
 – 2024-03-10 15:03:11

In 1962, the Chilean Carabineros incorporated women into their ranks. A process that began timidly, occupying only some functions within the institution. As the years went by, that changed and women increasingly assumed more responsibilities in different areas. In O’Higgins there are several Carabinero women who occupy leadership positions. Here we show you only two … Read more

At home, Recoleta beats Santiago Wanderers 3 to 1 – 2024-02-26 10:24:31

At home, Recoleta beats Santiago Wanderers 3 to 1
 – 2024-02-26 10:24:31

At home, Recoleta beats Santiago Wanderers 3 to 1 #home #Recoleta #beats #Santiago #Wanderers