Consecutive Collisions on Inner City Toll Road: Vellfire and Innova Sustain Damage

Consecutive Collisions on Inner City Toll Road: Vellfire and Innova Sustain Damage

Series⁣ of accidents⁣ Cause Chaos‍ on Jakarta‍ Toll Road Table of Contents Series⁣ of accidents⁣ Cause Chaos‍ on Jakarta‍ Toll Road Navigating the Chaos: Insights into the Jakarta Toll Road⁢ Accidents⁤ and Traffic Management Jakarta – A series of collisions on the Inner City Toll Road‍ heading towards Halim‍ in ‍East ‍Jakarta has left multiple‌ … Read more

US airline plane shot down over Haiti, flight attendant injured

US airline plane shot down over Haiti, flight attendant injured

Jakarta – One jet plane Spirit Airlines heading towards the capital HaitiPort-au-Prince, hit by a shotgun. The United States (SA) airline said a flight attendant was slightly injured as a result of the incident. As reported AFPOn Tuesday (12/11/2024), Flight 951 from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Port-au-Prince diverted and landed safely in the nearby Dominican … Read more

How do I collect insurance for damages caused by DANA?

How do I collect insurance for damages caused by DANA?

La jornada de ayer fue una gran mancha negra en la historia reciente de España y, sobre todo, en la Comunidad Valenciana. Esta parte del extremo este de la península fue la que más sintió las consecuencias de la DANA, aunque también tuvieron que lamentarse víctimas mortales en Castilla-La Mancha y Andalucía. Más allá del … Read more

German Red Cross Osterwieck complains of 100,000 euros in damage after the fire

German Red Cross Osterwieck complains of 100,000 euros in damage after the fire

DRK head of operations: “It takes a toll on me psychologically” Like DRK on-call manager Peter Braune told MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT that the lounge, treatment tents with heaters, camp beds, helmets, emergency backpacks, radios, an emergency power generator as well as medication and bandages were destroyed. The DRK had rented an area of ​​the halls. Peter … Read more

Damage caused by storms: Which insurance company will pay for damage from storms, rain or hail? |

Damage caused by storms: Which insurance company will pay for damage from storms, rain or hail? |

Damage caused by overvoltage, tap water or fire is also covered. However, it is advisable to ask the insurance company carefully and get advice if necessary. Because at Storm damage Due to overvoltage, overcurrent or short circuit, a so-called overvoltage clause must be agreed so that the insurance covers the costs. Natural damage known as … Read more

STORM ZARAGOZA | Heavy rain causes havoc in Zaragoza: flooded streets, neighborhoods without electricity and traffic cuts

STORM ZARAGOZA | Heavy rain causes havoc in Zaragoza: flooded streets, neighborhoods without electricity and traffic cuts

The rain that has been falling since Friday night in Zaragoza has wreaked havoc on the capital. The Z-30 has been closed since this morning as a precaution at the height of Parque Venecia due to the accumulated puddles at the roundabout of the La Paz local police headquarters, where a year and two months … Read more

Unusual wastewater regulations in the city of Krefeld: Krefeld woman sues for damages for broken sewer

Unusual wastewater regulations in the city of Krefeld: Krefeld woman sues for damages for broken sewer

When it comes to getting rid of Krefeld’s waste water, the city is always full of surprises. Remember the times when… Crystal charged one of the highest fees for waste water disposal, illegally transferred the ownership function to a private person or overused the specified costs. Now the case is much more complicated, but legally … Read more

The right insurance for your balcony power plant

The right insurance for your balcony power plant

A so-called balcony power plant is something like a miniature photovoltaic system that generates its own electricity and is simply connected to the power distribution system in the house. With a few exceptions, these mini systems do not usually require approval. However, it is important to have the right insurance for the balcony power plant. … Read more

Burglars go wild in library

Burglars go wild in library

“This is a catastrophe,” said Gerswalde’s mayor Eva-Maria Meister (CDU), after she saw what burglars had “done” in the Gerswalde library: drinks that were there for the upcoming “Stoppelmarkt” had been tipped out. The empty bottles have disappeared. “Two windows were smashed, as was the large glass door.” Cigarette butts and empty cigarette packets The … Read more

Promising new results for a blood test, “having a diagnosis as accessible as possible is crucial” – Libération

Promising new results for a blood test, “having a diagnosis as accessible as possible is crucial” – Libération

In a study published on July 28, Swedish researchers described a test that is 91% effective in detecting the disease, which could be used in specialized centers as well as in general practitioners. Jean-Charles Lambert, Inserm research director, comments on these results for “Libé”. In France, 900,000 people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease; 225,000 are screened … Read more