DAROU SALAM / The 2020 edition of magal accommodates the covid-19 pandemic on the instruction of the Caliph General of the Mourides.

DAROU SALAM / The 2020 edition of magal accommodates the covid-19 pandemic on the instruction of the Caliph General of the Mourides.

Like other religious events such as Kazu Rajab, the magal of Serigne Abdou Lahad Mbacké, that of Serigne Souhaïbou or that of Serigne Mame Mor Diarra etc … Darou Salam decided to celebrate the 2020 edition in sobriety . This is to respond favorably to the call made by the Caliph General of the Mourides … Read more

“Place de l’Europe” changes its name

“Place de l’Europe” changes its name

The Municipal Council of the commune of Gorée has decided to change the name of Place de l’Europe, to Place de Liberté et de la Dignité Humaine. A decision taken during this Saturday’s meeting of the Municipal Council of the island of Gorée on the sidelines of the wave of racial violence of which the … Read more

Faced with Coronavirus, Senegal’s flu response.

Faced with Coronavirus, Senegal’s flu response.

Senegal had taken the lead in limiting the spread of the Coronavirus on its territory. Twenty-one days after the appearance of the first case declared on Senegalese soil, the state of emergency was declared. Thus, gatherings are prohibited, schools closed. Ditto for airspace and land and sea borders. For our country, it was a question … Read more

Macky and Ghazouani discuss common interest

Macky and Ghazouani discuss common interest

Mauritanian President Mohamed Cheikh El Ghazouani spoke on the phone with Senegalese President Maky Sall, in quarantine after being in contact with a patient from Covid-19. According to the Mauritanian Information Agency (Ami), the two heads of state exchanged on questions of common interest relating to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and its … Read more

Very tense hanging between Éric Zemmour and Bernard Henri-Levy on CNews (VIDEO)

Very tense hanging between Éric Zemmour and Bernard Henri-Levy on CNews (VIDEO)

Friday June 26, 2020, the philosopher Bernard Henri-Lévy was the guest of Christine Kelly on the set of Face à l’Info on CNews to talk about the release of his book : “Covid-19: this crazy virus”. Facing him, the columnist Éric Zemmour, used to slippage, had the mission to debate about his book, but also … Read more

Wintering and patients who desert hospitals: What if malaria killed more than the Covid

Wintering and patients who desert hospitals: What if malaria killed more than the Covid

With early wintering, the country will learn to live with two (2) diseases, covid-19 and malaria. The situation is all the more serious as the two pathologies have practically the same symptoms. This makes the coordinator of the National Malaria Control Program (PNLP), Doctor Doudou Sène, say that they have a double challenge to take … Read more

Death of Jacques Coursil, brilliant jazzman and little-known figure of black modernity

Death of Jacques Coursil, brilliant jazzman and little-known figure of black modernity

“Everyone has a chance. You just have to be ready when it arrives. ” This word from Paul Bley, which closes the cover notes of Black Suite, number 49 of the BYG-Actuel series, took on its full meaning some forty years later. In 2007, Jacques Coursil knew how to seize his chance, by publishing Clamor, … Read more

Covid-19 threatens street children in Dakar

Covid-19 threatens street children in Dakar

Every week for almost thirty years, street kids in Dakar used to be visited by members of the Village Pilote association, which organizes raids to try to help them and encourage them to join their structure of reception. But one Wednesday evening in late March, they waited in vain. While the first cases of Covid-19 … Read more

Cured of breast cancer, it gives birth thanks to a new technique

Cured of breast cancer, it gives birth thanks to a new technique

A 34-year-old French woman suffering from breast cancer a few years ago has just given birth thanks to a new technique. Treated by chemotherapy, she was declared cured of her cancer after five years without relapse. But she hadn’t been able to conceive a baby since her recovery. Last July, thanks to the freezing of … Read more

Dakar: Death of the biker Paulo Gonçalves – Rally-raid – Dakar

Dakar: Death of the biker Paulo Gonçalves – Rally-raid – Dakar

Falling heavily at kilometer 276 of the 7th stage between Riyadh and Wadi Al-Dawasir, the Portuguese biker Paulo Gonçalves died this Sunday morning in Saudi Arabia. “Alerted at 10:08 am, the organizers mission a medical helicopter which lands at 10:16 am with the unconscious pilot, in cardio respiratory arrest, we learn in the organization’s press … Read more