20 minutes – Lady Gaga kisses strangers on New Year’s Eve

20 minutes – Lady Gaga kisses strangers on New Year’s Eve

Just in time for the New Year’s Eve countdown, Lady Gaga (33) and her companion get up – and kiss long and passionately like you in the video above see. survey How did you spend new years eve – – – If you subscribe to the People Push, you will no longer miss anything from … Read more

20 minutes – 3 women are said to have caused a fire in the zoo

20 minutes – 3 women are said to have caused a fire in the zoo

Five orangutans, two lowland gorillas, a chimpanzee and primates, fruit bats and birds died on New Year’s Eve. They were caught in the conflagration that raged in the monkey house in the Krefeld Zoo in northwestern Germany. The fire was triggered by sky lanterns that were supposed to bring good luck. The authorities are investigating … Read more

20 minutes – this is how Elon Musk wants 2020 to send people into space

20 minutes – this is how Elon Musk wants 2020 to send people into space

In 2011, the US space agency Nasa discontinued the space shuttle program. Since then, the United States has relied on Russian missiles to transport its own astronauts to the International Space Station. That should change in 2020. If everything goes according to plan, it will Crew Dragon spacecraft take off for the first time from … Read more

Hofer thinks turquoise green is “bad for Austria” – News

Hofer thinks turquoise green is “bad for Austria” – News

Hard criticism of the former coalition partner: Norbert Hofer criticizes that the new government is experiencing “inflation” and that the VP candidate is “lacking any relationship with the army”. FPÖ federal party chairman Norbert Hofer described the impending agreement between turquoise and green as “bad news”. According to media reports, the new government will be … Read more

20 minutes – Gay couple beaten up on New Year’s Eve

20 minutes – Gay couple beaten up on New Year’s Eve

J. S. * (24) and his gay friend (19) wanted to go out on New Year’s Eve to really celebrate the new year. At around 2:00 a.m., the two had a drink outside near the gay club “Heaven” in Zurich’s Niederdorf. According to J. S., there was a homophobic motivated attack. «Suddenly four guys came … Read more

Car went up in flames, the driver (66) survived – Lower Austria

Car went up in flames, the driver (66) survived – Lower Austria

“New Year’s miracle” in Ebreichsdorf (Baden): A 66-year-old crashed into a tree, his car caught fire – the man survived slightly injured. Shortly after 5 p.m. today there was a serious traffic accident on the B210 near Ebreichsdorf (Baden district): According to their own information, a 66-year-old driver may have fallen asleep just behind the … Read more

The monkeys died “for your New Year’s pleasure” – News

The monkeys died “for your New Year’s pleasure” – News

In Krefeld Zoo, 30 animals died in a fire in the monkey house. Two miraculously survived. The police suspect arson. A fire destroyed the monkey house at Krefeld Zoo in northwestern Germany on Wednesday night. Over 30 animals died in the flames, including eight great apes, as zoo director Wolfgang Dressen said. The police suspect … Read more

20 minutes – Switzerland wants to expatriate IS mother

20 minutes – Switzerland wants to expatriate IS mother

The 30-year-old Swiss-French dual citizen Sahila F. * has lost the civil rights of a municipality in the Vaud district of Morges, as the SEM announced on Tuesday in the Bundesblatt. However, the authorities are not aware of the current whereabouts of the woman. The federal decision to expatriate is not yet final, he writes … Read more

These stars move into the jungle camp – events

These stars move into the jungle camp – events

On New Year’s Eve, RTL presented the twelve participants of the next “jungle camp” as a surprise. So far, the list of candidates in the jungle camp was up to the start of “I am a star – Get me out of here!” always kept secret. But this time everything is different. On Tuesday evening, … Read more

20 minutes – Beatrice Basler is missing

20 minutes – Beatrice Basler is missing

Beatrice Liselotte Basler-Niggli had contact with her husband on Monday afternoon and has been missing since then, from her place of residence in Strengelbach AG. The current location has not yet been determined, the cantonal police in Aargau announced on Tuesday. Previous search measures have remained without results. The reason for the disappearance of the … Read more