Massive march of manipulators marked Worker’s Day event in Rancagua – 2024-05-01 23:51:15

Massive march of manipulators marked Worker’s Day event in Rancagua 
 – 2024-05-01 23:51:15

A massive group of women food handlers from the O’Higgins region marked the celebration of International Workers’ Day in the regional capital, a day that began in the Plaza de Los Héroes and culminated at the headquarters of the Unitary Central of Workers ( CUT) located on Ibieta Street. Representatives of unions, unions, leaders and … Read more

Why Book Day is celebrated on April 23

Why Book Day is celebrated on April 23

A bookstore (EFE). April 23 is a date that every person who loves literature has marked in red on their calendar, since International Book Day is celebrated. Through this day, in which we will see the streets full of books and roses, we seek to promote and vindicate reading, protect copyright and make the publishing … Read more

Thousands march in Chile to press for progress in social reforms

Thousands march in Chile to press for progress in social reforms

Santiago. Thousands of workers and students marched through the center of Santiago on Thursday, in response to a call from the Unitary Central of Workers (CUT), the largest multi-union in the country, which is pressing for the approval of the blocked social reforms in Congress. This is the first massive demonstration called by the CUT … Read more

The voice of the inside

The voice of the inside

La Voz del Inside. Based on March 15, 1904. Launched on September 21, 1996. 12 months 24. Version No. 10150. Mental property registration 56057581. Authorized handle: La Voz del Inside 6080 – CP: X5008HKJ – Córdoba, Argentina. Proprietor: La Voz del Inside SA. Basic Supervisor: Juan Tillard. Director: Carlos Hugo Jornet. Editor: Carlos Hugo … Read more

Oneco Networks Announces Major Reorganization and 150 Job Cuts Due to Lower Activity and Weaker Results

Oneco Networks Announces Major Reorganization and 150 Job Cuts Due to Lower Activity and Weaker Results

The telecommunications and assembly company Oneco Networks has initiated a major reorganization which means that several employees will have to leave. The company reports this in a message on its own website on Wednesday. A total of 150 positions will be lost. There are currently around three thousand employees in the company. Oneco Networks has … Read more

Special Prosecutor Urges Appeals Court to Reject Trump’s Claims of Immunity

Special Prosecutor Urges Appeals Court to Reject Trump’s Claims of Immunity

The special prosecutor Jack Smithin charge of investigating the former president of the United States, Donald Trumpurged a appeals court a reject the former president’s request to file a case of electoral interference, alleging that he enjoyed total immunity while he was in office. The prosecutor’s request is especially significant because of the argument he … Read more

They invite a photo exhibition for International Human Rights Day

They invite a photo exhibition for International Human Rights Day

The Human Rights Directorate of the Supreme Court of Justice holds this Monday, December 11, the “Photo Exhibition – Indigenous Action Against Climate Change”, in the Plaza de la Justicia, located in front of the headquarters of the Palace of Justice of Asunción, from 7:00 to 12:00. The activity is carried out within the framework … Read more

Pastor accused of child abuse appears in court: his defense lawyer speaks

Pastor accused of child abuse appears in court: his defense lawyer speaks

Read transcript surrounding this case.Tamara: It was an audience.cut where the accusedheard by the judgethe restrictions that mustcomply to ensure thesecurity of their allegedappeared before a judgecounty against costa el pastoríctor herández, who wasposted a bail of 10,000,000$.will also be presentedfour restrictionsagainst him.>> I’m going to defend the clientbest I can, I don’t declareand they … Read more

Extreme Penile Exercise Gone Wrong: A Case of Intentional Penile Entanglement and the Risks Involved

Extreme Penile Exercise Gone Wrong: A Case of Intentional Penile Entanglement and the Risks Involved

Similar cases are common in the United States… In severe cases, the penis may be amputated. Entered 2023.10.24 14:24 Views 25 Entered 2023.10.24 14:24 Modified 2023.10.24 14:30 Views 25 The bizarre behavior of a foreign health trainer to increase the number of members is attracting attention. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]The bizarre behavior of a foreign health trainer to … Read more

The Supreme Court of Mexico demands data on Abdala’s expired files

The Supreme Court of Mexico demands data on Abdala’s expired files

The Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico ordered this Thursday the Federal Ministry of Health to reveal the number of vaccines against covid-19, including the Cuban Abdala, which “expired” before its application, as well as its manufacturer and its batch of origin. In a announcementthe Court stressed that this information “does not put national security … Read more