Touching! Cuban receives her mother in Miami after 2 years without seeing her – 2024-04-29 02:39:24

Touching!  Cuban receives her mother in Miami after 2 years without seeing her
 – 2024-04-29 02:39:24

A Cuban emigrant in Miami fulfilled the dream of many Cuban emigrants: receiving her mother in her new home, now in the United States. Through TikTok, the user identified as Lianny Franco Alonso showed the warm reception that her mother received, whom they came to receive at the Miami International Airport, in a reunion that … Read more

more than half of Cuban migrants obtain citizenship – 2024-04-25 04:36:26

more than half of Cuban migrants obtain citizenship
 – 2024-04-25 04:36:26

Cubans in the United States, one of the largest immigrant communities in the territory, have a naturalized majority, the country’s government reported. According to a report on Naturalization Policy in the United States, published on April 15, Cuba is the seventh nation with the most residents in the territory, with 1,314,330 registered citizens. But the … Read more

Cuban baby runs to welcome his father who arrived from the US – 2024-04-22 11:48:02

Cuban baby runs to welcome his father who arrived from the US
 – 2024-04-22 11:48:02

A young Cuban father starred in an emotional moment that has captured the hearts of users on social networks, after seeing his baby for the first time in several months. Through social networks, the moment in which the father, identified as Alejandro Álvarez, arrived at his home on the Island, went viral, being greeted by … Read more

“Our wings fell off” – 2024-04-12 07:47:17

“Our wings fell off”
 – 2024-04-12 07:47:17

The family that was deported to Cuba by mistake, after living in the United States for more than three years, spoke about the desperate situation they face, and that they hope will be reversed soon. The family faces a traumatic process after, due to a mix-up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)On March 28, they … Read more

Cuban in Miami complains that her family in Cuba “exploits” her – 2024-04-09 23:16:32

Cuban in Miami complains that her family in Cuba “exploits” her
 – 2024-04-09 23:16:32

A Cuban resident of Miami has sparked a great debate on social networks, complaining about how she feels exploited by her relatives in Cuba since her arrival in the United States. Through social networks, Yenny González shared a video in which she accused her people of only writing to her and calling her to ask … Read more

ICE deports an entire family to Cuba due to “a confusion” – 2024-04-05 07:53:04

ICE deports an entire family to Cuba due to “a confusion”
 – 2024-04-05 07:53:04

A Cuban family residing in the United States was deported to Cuba without prior notice, and they are in a desperate situation after they could not even try to stop the process. According to the report of Telemundo 51Guillermo Picos, his wife and son, residents of North Carolina, were detained and deported without even being … Read more

Almost half a million Cubans wait between deportation and asylum – 2024-02-29 09:52:34

Almost half a million Cubans wait between deportation and asylum
 – 2024-02-29 09:52:34

Nearly half a million Cubans are currently in a kind of immigration limbo in the United States, with the same probability of facing deportation or accessing political asylum. According to a report from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE), more than 442,000 Cubans are in the process of expulsion from United States territory, although … Read more

Cuban migrant tells what he experienced during a kidnapping in Mexico – 2024-02-27 23:07:48

Cuban migrant tells what he experienced during a kidnapping in Mexico
 – 2024-02-27 23:07:48

A young Cuban father, identified as Orlando, recounted the terrible experience he lived in Mexico while waiting for his CBP One appointment, when he was kidnapped along with two compatriots near the country’s northern border with the United States. The migrant told journalist Javier Díaz that he remained in the capital of the Aztec country … Read more