Dismembered body of a woman found in an apartment in Kiev

Dismembered body of a woman found in an apartment in Kiev

Photo: kyiv.npu.gov.ua The police establish the circumstances of the crime – – A relative of the owner of the apartment told the cops about the terrible find. Law enforcers establish the circumstances of the crime and the identity of the deceased. In Kiev, a man found parts of a woman’s body in his relative’s apartment … Read more

Shooting near the Pentagon – in the United States confirmed the death of a policeman

Shooting near the Pentagon – in the United States confirmed the death of a policeman

It is worth recalling that the shooting took place on the subway platform, which is located next to the entrance to the Pentagon. Information about the death of the law enforcement officer was provided by separate sources, but so far there has been no official confirmation. Yesterday, the Pentagon declined to comment on the incident. … Read more

Weinstein faces trial again and faces 140 years in prison

Weinstein faces trial again and faces 140 years in prison

Harvey Weinstein – – The scandalous Hollywood producer was charged with 11 sexual crimes. Film producer Harvey Weinstein is again on trial on 11 charges of sexual harassment and rape. At a meeting in Los Angeles, he pleaded not guilty, the TV channel reported. Fox News.- Four counts are for forced oral intercourse, four for … Read more

Coronavirus in Russia has set a new anti-record for daily mortality

Coronavirus in Russia has set a new anti-record for daily mortality

It is reported that before this, the maximum was recorded on December 24, 2020, when 635 people were announced to die from coronavirus. At the same time, the anti-mortality record was also updated by St. Petersburg, where 119 patients died per day. In Moscow, 121 people died, followed by the Nizhny Novgorod and Irkutsk regions, … Read more

Vaccination in Germany – the Ministry of Health recommended to vaccinate children with chronic diseases

Vaccination in Germany – the Ministry of Health recommended to vaccinate children with chronic diseases

The Standing Commission on Vaccinations (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute of Virology does not consider it necessary to obligatorily vaccinate all children aged 12 to 17 against coronavirus. She recommends vaccinating only those children who have any chronic diseases. – “STIKO recommends vaccination of children and adolescents with pre-existing medical conditions with Pfizer mRNA … Read more