Record the dose of vitamin D and vitamin C that must be consumed when infected with Covid-19

Record the dose of vitamin D and vitamin C that must be consumed when infected with Covid-19

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. When the body is sick or is infected with Covid-19, how many doses of vitamin D or vitamin C should be consumed? This question has been popping up a lot lately. This is due to the ongoing spread of Covid-19 cases. Many people also buy up various food supplements and vitamins as … Read more

Hospitals under heavy pressure, Sydney sets new daily record of COVID-19 cases

Hospitals under heavy pressure, Sydney sets new daily record of COVID-19 cases

KONTAN.CO.ID – SYDNEY. Sydney’s COVID-19 cases set a new daily record on Wednesday (24 August), putting parts of the health system under “severe stress”. Despite two months of lockdown, the State of New South Wales (NSW) reported 919 new cases amid the Delta variant outbreak, bringing Australia’s daily total cases to a new record high of … Read more

Super hormone that is useful to ward off Covid-19 to cancer

Super hormone that is useful to ward off Covid-19 to cancer

KONTAN.CO.ID – Vitamin D has many benefits for the body, especially reducing various bacterial and viral infections such as Covid-19 and even fighting cancer. This is why Covid-19 patients, both asymptomatic to severe symptoms, are always given vitamin D during healing therapy. Even though it is very beneficial, unfortunately the consumption of vitamin D in … Read more

Covid-19 patients are self-isolating, these are the 3 recommended vitamins and minerals

Covid-19 patients are self-isolating, these are the 3 recommended vitamins and minerals

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Covid-19 patients with mild or asymptomatic symptoms are advised to take a number of vitamins and minerals during self-isolation. The provision of vitamins and minerals to help the healing process when the patient is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, patients with COVID-19 … Read more

Flights from Indonesia are prohibited from entering these 7 countries, which ones?

Flights from Indonesia are prohibited from entering these 7 countries, which ones?

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Indonesia has a Covid-19 emergency. The more contagious Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus has spread to several areas in Indonesia. In addition to slowing the spread of the variant, the Indonesian government is also trying to reduce the number of daily Covid-19 infection cases by implementing Emergency PPKM in Java and … Read more

Pay attention! These are the seven new Covid-19 symptoms that are different from the classic symptoms

Pay attention!  These are the seven new Covid-19 symptoms that are different from the classic symptoms

KONTAN.CO.ID – NEW YORK. With a spike in different coronavirus mutations and a growing list of Covid-19 symptoms, it is becoming increasingly important to remain vigilant and aware of the symptoms of the coronavirus that are severe but mild and unusual. Even so, the latest reports once again show that there are seven new symptoms … Read more

Physical activity of all ages and conditions

Physical activity of all ages and conditions

KONTAN.CO.ID – GENEVA. Up to 5 million deaths a year could be prevented if the world’s population was willing to move more actively. At a time when many people are tied at home because of COVID-19, the WHO is launching new physical activity guidelines that were launched today (26/11). The new guidelines for physical activity … Read more

The third wave of Covid-19 in the US, positive cases of the corona virus in Texas surpassed 1 million

The third wave of Covid-19 in the US, positive cases of the corona virus in Texas surpassed 1 million

KONTAN.CO.ID – WASHINGTON. The spike in coronavirus cases continues to occur in the United States. Even now, Texas is the first state to surpass 1 million cases of the corona virus (Covid-19) in the US on Saturday (7/11). As is known, the US is back fighting against the third wave of new infections and recorded more … Read more

90% of patients at the Athlete House get Covid-19 even though they already wear masks, this is the explanation

90% of patients at the Athlete House get Covid-19 even though they already wear masks, this is the explanation

JAKARTA. A survey by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) said that 90% of Indonesians are disciplined in wearing masks in the midst of the corona or Covid-19 pandemic. However, the number of people affected by corona in Indonesia continues to grow. What causes people to get corona even though they already wear masks From the … Read more

This is how the corona virus is transmitted on airplanes

This is how the corona virus is transmitted on airplanes

KONTAN.CO.ID – In the midst of the corona pandemic, public transportation operates with various restrictions such as seating arrangements with certain distances and the use of masks. However, is that enough to prevent the spread of the corona virus for airplane passengers? Two research results published in scientific journals provide the answer. The first study … Read more