University Hospitals Birmingham partners with Qureight to build diverse AI models for improved lung disease treatments

University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) has joined forces with medical technology company Qureight to develop more diverse artificial intelligence (AI) models. The aim is to improve diagnosis of lung disease, and in particular idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which scars the lungs, causing breathlessness and coughing. The survival rate from the disease is typically worse than for … Read more

Got COVID-19 with Cough Symptoms? Read Doctor’s Advice to Relieve

Coughing is a reflex of the respiratory system that aims to clear the airway of foreign body particles, microbes and irritants such as smoke and dust, as well as fluids and mucus. Apart from viral infections, coughing can be caused by irritants, drug side effects, infections that cause bronchitis, gastric acid reflux, allergies, asthma to … Read more

Type of cough in Omicron patients, dry or phlegm?, Jakarta Cough is one of the symptoms that many patients feel COVID-19 wave Omicron At the moment. However, there are no specific cough symptoms in Omicron because the characteristics of the cough experienced vary. “From statistics, symptom surveys, most of them are dry coughs. But this needs to be confirmed again whether it’s true … Read more

Study: Corona symptoms can last for weeks even in mild cases of illness

Results of a preliminary study indicated that the symptoms of mild COVID -19 can last for weeks, in patients who do not need hospital treatment. During the study that included a group of 272 COVID-19 patients, 41% of those who suffered from coughing continued 3 weeks after their symptoms started, 24% had shortness of breath, … Read more

Corona Discovery Guide .. If these symptoms appear, isolate yourself immediately

12:00 PM Monday 25 May 2020 – AgenciesThe Corona virus continues to spread worldwide, and has caused more than 330,000 deaths so far, while confirmed infections have exceeded 5 million. Some studies indicate that about 80 percent of people infected with the virus feel slight symptoms or have no symptoms at all, but a few … Read more

Corona’s nightmare .. new symptoms do not leave patients for months

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " Garner was suffering from some coughing, during a call through the “Zoom” application with the British epidemiological envoy, David Nabarro, and at the end of the call, Nabarro advised the university professor to isolate himself, and indeed the latter adhered to this … Read more

14 years of continuous coughing before “traumatic cause” is discovered

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " The girl, who is currently 22 years old, experienced a “big shock” when she finally learned that her persistent cough problem was caused by a piece of chicken stuck in her lung, according to “Odetity Central” website of strange and funny news. … Read more

“Health” reveals 7 ways to protect from infection with the Corona virus

The Ministry of Health and Population has identified 7 important ways to protect against emerging coronavirus infection as part of its plan to prevent any potential infections from being transmitted between people… “ Day 7 “explores 7 ways to protect from emerging coronavirus infection. 1 .. Avoid patients: Avoid close contact with anyone who has … Read more

Tips for getting rid of a persistent cough during the winter

Many people may suffer from a persistent cough despite taking medications that help calm the cough. The cough may be caused by some diseases, including the common cold. And influenzaAnd, coughing may be due to exposure to chemicals and inhalation of polluted air, according to a site medicalnewstoday There are many tips that help reduce … Read more