Hezbollah mourns media relations officer Muhammad Afif al-Nabulsi

Hezbollah mourns media relations officer Muhammad Afif al-Nabulsi

Hezbollah issued the following statement: “For the nation of the resistance and the resistance media, and the nation of the martyrs and mujahideen, we mourn a great media leader and great martyr on the road to Jerusalem, Hajj Muhammad Afif al-Nabulsi, media relations officer in Hezbollah, who traveled to the side of his Lord with … Read more

Egypt’s Medicines Authority is warning against a popular cough medicine. What is the reason?

Egypt’s Medicines Authority is warning against a popular cough medicine. What is the reason?

The Medical Authority of Egypt issued a warning about a popular cough medicine on its official website, and the authority noted the spread of fake medicines. Or do not conform to specifications, and violators will be dealt with firmly. Also read: A year after the World Health Organization declared Egypt free of Hepatitis C … … Read more

How to eat Chinese betel effectively relieves the symptoms of gout-arthritis

How to eat Chinese betel effectively relieves the symptoms of gout-arthritis

Jakarta – Chinese betel or a plant called Peperomia pellucida L Kunth is believed to have many benefits. Chinese betel is often found in various regions in Indonesia, but the name is very different. For example, in Java, Chinese betel is often called lettuce, suruhan, or rangurangu. Meanwhile in Maluku, it is often called gotu … Read more

The story of a 9-year-old female student in Surabaya’s fight against late-stage HIV

The story of a 9-year-old female student in Surabaya’s fight against late-stage HIV

Surabaya – F (9), a girl in Mojo Village, Surabaya, experienced an unfortunate fate. The grade 2 primary school student was diagnosed with late-stage HIV. It is known that F lives with his older brother D (14), Dani’s father Ari Prabowo (35), grandmother Kanipah (57) and grandfather Harijono (65). The girl was under the care … Read more

Don’t Miss the Exciting Real Madrid vs. Barcelona Legends Match in Hong Kong: Tickets on Sale December 20!

Don’t Miss the Exciting Real Madrid vs. Barcelona Legends Match in Hong Kong: Tickets on Sale December 20!

[Naidheachdan Tilu]Hong Kong will once again host a major sports event The “Legend Assemble Star Exhibition Series – Real Madrid Stars vs. Barcelona Legends” will gather the top La Liga players Real Madrid and Barcelona legends at the Hong Kong Stadium on. December 20. The conference held a press conference for the event in Saigon … Read more

Know the causes and differences between inflammation and sore throat

Know the causes and differences between inflammation and sore throat

CANTIKA.COM, Jakarta – Unfriendly weather often causes sore throat. A sore throat can worsen other illnesses such as a cold or cough. How is it different from prostitution? Sore throats are not caused by common viruses such as influenza but by infectious bacterial infections that cause inflammation and discomfort. This condition is common in children … Read more

WARNING SIGNS When should I take my child to the doctor? | SM Day News Information

WARNING SIGNS When should I take my child to the doctor? | SM Day News Information

Listen to this article Children’s hospitals and outpatient clinics are increasingly crowded during this time, among the many viral diseases that affect children. Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and Covid-19 infections are just some of the conditions that cause overcrowding in healthcare facilities. It is a question that worries many parents: when is it time … Read more

Cough that won’t stop? Is chronic cough due to COVID-19 incurable? It could be a problem with “lung function”.

Cough that won’t stop? Is chronic cough due to COVID-19 incurable? It could be a problem with “lung function”.

Article / Healthcare Network / Reported by reporters Wu Yiwen and Lin Zongxian Cough symptoms can appear as a result of viral or bacterial infections, colds, or allergies caused by environmental influences. If you encounter more severe bacteria, viruses, or are combined with allergies, cough symptoms usually require a longer treatment time to fully improve … Read more

Corona variant KP.3.1.1 causes infection numbers to rise rapidly

Corona variant KP.3.1.1 causes infection numbers to rise rapidly

The Robert Koch Institute is once again reporting rising corona numbers. What will happen to us this time in the cold season? One expert sees many unanswered questions. Autumn is here and with it the next corona wave. Many people in Germany have already noticed that the number of respiratory infections is rising again. But … Read more

The doctor quickly screened “3 out of 3” and was caught in seconds! Parents are tired: one disease is cured and another is replaced | ETtoday Health Cloud |

The doctor quickly screened “3 out of 3” and was caught in seconds! Parents are tired: one disease is cured and another is replaced | ETtoday Health Cloud |

▲ The doctor tested three sick children for RSV rapid screening, and all were positive. (Photo / Courtesy of the fan magazine “Dr. Huang’s Family Clinic”) Reporter Li Jiarong/Complete Report Pediatrician Huang Shaoji revealed that the number of people visiting the clinic at the end of the summer holiday dropped significantly, but yesterday (19th) he … Read more