“Nuclear Attack Submarine La Perle Conducts First Dive After Repairs”

“Nuclear Attack Submarine La Perle Conducts First Dive After Repairs”

After a first surface navigation last week, the nuclear attack submarine (SNA) Perle conducted Monday, May 22, in front of Toulon, its first dive since 2019. A first static immersion, in particular to check the tightness of the hull and carry out the weighing of the building following the repairs carried out after the fire … Read more

“MSC World America: Sister Ship to MSC World Europa Officially Laid Down in Saint-Nazaire”

“MSC World America: Sister Ship to MSC World Europa Officially Laid Down in Saint-Nazaire”

The first sister ship of MSC World Europa, delivered on October 24 to the Italian-Swiss company MSC Cruises by Chantiers de l’Atlantique, MSC World America will be officially laid down on May 31 in Saint-Nazaire. The traditional coin ceremony will take place on the same 2023-05-14 22:20:00 #Chantiers #lAtlantique #lay #liner #MSC #World #America #hold

The Costa del Sol: Pioneering Sustainable Tourism with Carbon Footprint Offset Initiative

The Costa del Sol: Pioneering Sustainable Tourism with Carbon Footprint Offset Initiative

The Costa del Sol stands out in its letter of introduction as being a pioneer destination in allowing travelers to measure and offset the carbon footprint of their stay, a project that has earned it an award at the “Digital Tourist Awards 2023”, organized by Ametic with Segittur , State Society for the Management of … Read more

Confirmed Schedule of France’s Future Aircraft Carrier by Minister of Armed Forces

Confirmed Schedule of France’s Future Aircraft Carrier by Minister of Armed Forces

While the new military programming law (LPM) covering the period 2025-2030 will be presented Tuesday April 4 in the Council of Ministers, Sébastien Lecornu confirmed Saturday April 1, in an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien, the schedule planned for the carrier. new generation French aircraft (PA-NG). It is a question of “definitively initiating the … Read more