They reveal that Trump secretly sent Covid tests to Putin for his personal use

They reveal that Trump secretly sent Covid tests to Putin for his personal use

Former US President Donald Trump sent a Covid test to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his personal use while the coronavirus devastated the world in 2020, according to a book by veteran journalist Bob Woodward, who was one of the discoverers of the scandal. Watergate. This is stated by the Washington Post in an article … Read more

XEC VARIANT | XEC variant of coronavirus: these are its main symptoms

XEC VARIANT | XEC variant of coronavirus: these are its main symptoms

With the end of the pandemic, the coronavirus has gone to the background of the media. However, its different variantseach with their respective symptomsthey keep happening. The latest strain to have gained notoriety has been named CHECK. Registered for the first time last June in Germanythe cases of this new variant of Covid-19, coming from … Read more

Corona autumn wave: Significantly more cases in the Upper Palatinate again

Corona autumn wave: Significantly more cases in the Upper Palatinate again

Symbolic image: Daniel Reinhardt More traces of Corona in the wastewater samples from Weiden.”> More traces of Corona in the wastewater samples from Weiden. Symbolic image: Daniel Reinhardt Mqi xqc jüciqcqc Djliqqqxqqqqiciqc iic Qixici-Yüllqcäcxq ic Qqixqc icx ic Yqiqcqjixi cijqc xiq Dcixqqqc qicqc xqicxilc icqcqiiqcxqc Axqcx qxqiccqxc. Aixqlcqx xqq Yicxqqiqcq cüx Dqqicxcqic (YDY) iccqxqilcqc ic … Read more

Will the traffic light deal with the pandemic?

Will the traffic light deal with the pandemic?

Good morning, dear reader, At the weekend I listened to a speech by AfD leader Alice Weidel in front of her base in Ulm. She wasn’t particularly committed, especially given the fact that Weidel was applying for the top candidacy in her home association. By AfD standards, it’s an average speech that the 45-year-old gives … Read more

Covid vaccinations are not easy to obtain

Covid vaccinations are not easy to obtain

Corona infections are increasing again – but getting a vaccination is not that easy The number of infections with Sars-CoV-2 will increase again. Vaccination is therefore recommended for people who are particularly at risk. However, this is no longer offered everywhere. A vaccination against the coronavirus is being prepared. Bild: Samuel Golay / Keystone/TI-PRESS Major … Read more

Infections in Germany continue to increase

Infections in Germany continue to increase

The number of cases of corona infections has been increasing for weeks, as current figures from the RKI show. One variant is becoming increasingly popular. Autumn is the season for colds: this is confirmed by the current figures on respiratory diseases from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Accordingly, numerous colds plague people. What is striking, … Read more

Corona study: This is how a Covid-19 infection damages our brain | Life & Knowledge

Corona study: This is how a Covid-19 infection damages our brain | Life & Knowledge

Four and a half years after the outbreak of the pandemic, many people’s fear of Corona has subsided. But the virus is and will remain with us. British researchers have now investigated how an infection can affect our brain. The results are alarming! Read also “After hospitalization for Covid-19, many people report persistent cognitive symptoms, … Read more

CoE: No compensation from the State to property owners who reduced rents due to Covid – 2024-10-02 23:52:46

CoE: No compensation from the State to property owners who reduced rents due to Covid
 – 2024-10-02 23:52:46

According to a decision of the Council of State, the State is not obliged to compensate the property-owning companies, but also the private property owners, with the amounts that reduced (from 40% to 100%) the rents of their shops and houses, during of the dominance of the coronavirus. In particular, 10 companies, which lease their … Read more

Corona traces are increasing in Munich’s wastewater: Is it due to Oktoberfest?

Corona traces are increasing in Munich’s wastewater: Is it due to Oktoberfest?

Measurements in Munich’s wastewater show a significant increase in corona traces. A connection with the ongoing Oktoberfest is obvious. Measurements in Munich’s wastewater indicate a significant increase in corona infections in the state capital. The latest reading published on Tuesday on the Bavarian wastewater monitoring website from a sample taken last Wednesday is the highest … Read more

Virologist Christian Drosten: Corona is as dangerous as the flu | Life & Knowledge

Virologist Christian Drosten: Corona is as dangerous as the flu | Life & Knowledge

Even four and a half years after the outbreak of the pandemic, there are still reports of new, presumably more dangerous corona variants. But now someone who was previously considered one of the biggest virus warnings has given the all-clear! Virologist Christian Drosten (52) now only considers Corona to be as dangerous as flu viruses. … Read more