Shipping company details loading processes due to coronavirus alert

Shipping company details loading processes due to coronavirus alert

The shipping company Crowley assured that it has sent the cargo to Puerto Rico on a regular basis, this in the face of the emergency caused by the coronavirus. “Crowley is transporting all available cargo to the Island. If the cargo from a loader is delivered to our terminal in Jacksonville, Florida, it is shipped … Read more

Coronavirus’s arrival in Puerto Rico is “imminent”, according to Secretary of Health

Coronavirus’s arrival in Puerto Rico is “imminent”, according to Secretary of Health

Although the official authorities of Puerto Rico considered that the arrival of the coronavirus was unlikely, they now claim that the arrival of the virus is imminent. This was stated by the Secretary of the Department of Health, Rafael Rodríguez, who said that the island is at alert level. “We used to say it was … Read more

Honduran at the helm of coronavirus vaccine research

Honduran at the helm of coronavirus vaccine research

San Pedro Sula, Honduras To obtain funds, the Baylor College of Medicine Vaccine Development Center in Houston, which co-directs a Honduran scientistIt will take a year and a half to get the vaccine that could be the response that the international community is looking forward to. Maria Elena Bottazzi, graduated in Microbiology from the National … Read more

When is a coronavirus vaccine due? Researcher explains

When is a coronavirus vaccine due? Researcher explains

Sci-tech 10:32 09.02.2020(updated 10:51 on 09.02.2020) Short url – Several teams around the world are working to find a vaccine against the coronavirus that is rife in China and beyond. A process that will not be quick, but necessary, explained a researcher to Sputnik. – Developing a coronavirus vaccine will take time, but it will … Read more