The health department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent begins vaccination against influenza and covid for the entire population between 12 and 59 years old

The health department of Xàtiva-Ontinyent begins vaccination against influenza and covid for the entire population between 12 and 59 years old

Stock image of a healthcare worker administering a vaccine. Eduardo Briones – Europa Press – Archive From 2 January, vaccination against covid19 and the flu is open to the entire population aged 12 to 59. Sources from the Department of Health of Xàtiva-Ontinyent point out that it is the third in the whole of the … Read more

36 million Colombians have a covid vaccination program

36 million Colombians have a covid vaccination program

The Ministry of Health has announced that 89,867,549 vaccines have already been applied in Colombia against covid-19 from different laboratories such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Janssen and Sinovac. With complete diagrams vaccination there are 36,891,628 people in the country. The agency’s report reveals that 79,902 doses of the pandemic vaccine were administered during the week, … Read more