LIVE – Coronavirus: 10,000 dead in the United States

MANDATORY MASKS IN TRANSPORTATION IN CHILE The Chilean government decreed on Monday that wearing a mask on public transport is now compulsory, while the South American country, which has implemented selective containment measures, has registered 4,815 coronavirus infections, including 37 deaths . “The wearing of the mask becomes compulsory in public and private paid transport,” … Read more

Coronavirus: soon sniffer dogs to detect Covid-19 patients?

Sniffer dogs capable of detecting the coronavirus (Covid-19) and diagnosing infected people faster than any other test: the idea is gaining ground in Great Britain. Each disease has a unique smell. And this new virus, although it is particularly virulent, is no exception to the rule. The charity Medical Detection Dogs has already trained dogs … Read more

Coronavirus: WHO recommends video games to fight the pandemic

To help keep them busy, dozens of video game developers and publishers have decided to offer one or more of the games in their catalog for free. This is the case in particular of some big names in the industry, such as Ubisoft (“Rabbids: Learn to code!”), Crystal Dynamics (“Tomb Raider”), or Activision Blizzard (“Call … Read more

Coronavirus: 16-year-old girl dies in Ile-de-France

“The epidemic continues to worsen” … As every evening, the Director General of Health, Jérome Salomon, gravely dismissed the national assessment of the epidemic of coronavirus. But this Thursday, for the first time, her announcement did not quite resemble the others, since among the 365 deaths recorded in the hospital in 24 hours, there is … Read more

Coronavirus: caregivers will have priority access to mass retail

There is an increasing number of initiatives aimed at caregivers to help them in their daily lives, while they are at the forefront in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. Latest in date: they will be able to benefit as of this Monday from priority access to most retail chains to refuel, announced the sector … Read more

LIVE – Coronavirus: 674 deaths in France and 16,000 cases, an “underestimated” number

WHAT SITUATION IN PARIS? The Paris Hospitals are “not at saturation” to receive patients suffering from Covid-19, but need “reinforcements”, said Sunday evening their general manager, Martin Hirsch on LCI. He counted “700 patients who are in intensive care beds because they are in serious condition”, “about a hundred more” than Saturday at the same … Read more

Coronavirus: under pressure, Amazon stops “lower priority” orders in France and Italy

Amazon will stop taking orders deemed “lower priority” on its French and Italian sites to focus on the products most in demand during this pandemic of new coronavirus, announced the American giant on Saturday, March 21. “We must focus the available capacity on the highest priority items and, as of today, temporarily stop taking orders … Read more

Coronavirus: testimonials from caregivers regarding our behavior during confinement

Some people are defying the containment measures put in place since Tuesday March 17 to fight against the coronavirus. An attitude that scandalizes those on the front line. Caregivers see the dramatic consequences of the spread of the epidemic every day. They beg the French to respect their confinement. Here are their testimonies. This subject … Read more

LIVE – Coronavirus: 562 dead in France and more than 6,000 people infected

MOUTHFALL The highly mobilized medical staff are greeted by the French every evening at 8 p.m. with rounds of applause. Support that is heart-warming … but useless if it is not accompanied by strict compliance with the instructions. This is the meaning of the blow of mouth of Anne-Sophie Verhoeven, nephrologist at the Bichat hospital, … Read more

LIVE – Coronavirus: the scientific council will give its conclusions on the duration of confinement on Monday

MASKS IN FRANCE Edouard Philippe said on Saturday that “40 prototypes” of masks were currently “being tested” in order to increase production capacities, in the midst of a controversy over the stocks and supplies of these protections against the coronavirus. “We have asked the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Defense to find alternatives, … Read more