Corona: New York requires vaccination or weekly tests from employees

Corona: New York requires vaccination or weekly tests from employees

Panorama Corona in the USA New York requires workers to be vaccinated or tested weekly – – Published on 07/26/2021 | Reading time: 2 minutes – – – New York is not alone with the decision for long, and California followed suit a little later Source: AFP / SPENCER PLATT – – You can listen … Read more

US state: Fewer dead without lockdown – Was Florida right in the end?

US state: Fewer dead without lockdown – Was Florida right in the end?

“You can live like a human in Florida – and our economy is booming.” More than a year after the outbreak of the corona pandemic, Ron DeSantis can proudly take stock. The Republican governor in the Sunshine State feels that his strategy has been confirmed: “What did the left-wing media complain about and blaspheme, what … Read more

Broadway to Corona: The Big Sleep in New York

Broadway to Corona: The Big Sleep in New York

Es truely sad to walk in the theater district of New York today, a year and a month after the world plague reached America. Times Square is already different than it used to be: Before the pandemic, the wide space under neon signs was teeming with tourists. Today New Yorkers are among themselves, so there … Read more

New York: How it feels to go back to socializing as a vaccinated person

New York: How it feels to go back to socializing as a vaccinated person

Dhe subway card still worked. That cannot be taken for granted – the yellow cards that are slipped through a narrow metal slit in New York to loosen the turnstile from its solidification have an expiry date; when they expire, they turn into a worthless piece of plastic. But my card still worked. The last … Read more

Joe Biden’s deep reform plans for the US

Joe Biden’s deep reform plans for the US

MSome of you may still remember the nickname that the (in this respect very creative) 45th President invented for Joe Biden: “Sleepy Joe”, Donald Trump called him, the sleepy Josef. Even his followers actually expected nothing more from Biden than a return to normalcy, to the status quo ante. A middle-class candidate who should reverse … Read more

Coronavirus in the USA: New York and Los Angeles paralyzed – photos

Coronavirus in the USA: New York and Los Angeles paralyzed – photos

Panorama Schools, restaurants, bars too US metropolises are paralyzed – photos from the ghost towns – – Published on March 16, 2020 | Reading time: 2 minutes Pope Francis walks through the empty streets of Rome – – Rome has been swept empty by the curfew that applies throughout Italy. The Pope took advantage of … Read more

Harbinger of economic decline: New York subway is threatened with collapse

Harbinger of economic decline: New York subway is threatened with collapse

Als “doomsday timetable” the New Yorkers refer to the project – as a timetable for doom – “apocalyptic”. The name seems justified. Almost every second train connection, warns the operator of the subway in the American metropolis, could be canceled. 9,000 train drivers, ticket sellers and track workers face dismissal. The subway was once New … Read more

Corona and the consequences: “New York City is forever dead”

Corona and the consequences: “New York City is forever dead”

NNew York sinks from the hot bad guy to the frail nursing case, which to leave is not an act of sensible self-love, but a cold abandonment. The climax of the debate was provided by an essay by James Altucher, published in the “New York Post”, whose diagnosis “New York City is forever dead” offended … Read more

Corona: USA reports over 50,000 new infections in one day for the first time

Corona: USA reports over 50,000 new infections in one day for the first time

Im Gütersloh district the important number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has decreased significantly again within the past seven days. According to the figures published by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Wednesday, the so-called seven-day incidence is currently 76,4 – More than halved compared to 164.2 on Saturday. The value of the massive … Read more

Corona current: The number of corona infected without relation to tonnies is growing

Corona current: The number of corona infected without relation to tonnies is growing

Dhe local authorities have assigned the Robert Koch Institute 262 Corona infections reported within one day. This has been going on since the beginning of the Corona crisis 193.761 People in Germany proven to be infected with Sars-CoV-2, as the RKI reported early Monday morning (data status June 29th, 0.00 am). Above all, the outbreak … Read more