wearing a mask outside is compulsory in Paris from Friday

wearing a mask outside is compulsory in Paris from Friday

Faced with the “tidal wave” of the Omicron variant which led to an outbreak of Covid-19 contaminations in France, the mask becomes again compulsory in the streets of Paris from Friday December 31, announced this Wednesday, December 29, the prefecture of police of the capital. This obligation applies to people over 11 years old, “with … Read more

at the University Hospital of Purpan, an intensive care unit

at the University Hospital of Purpan, an intensive care unit

A new New Year’s Eve that rhymes with contaminations. The Scientific Council is counting on hundreds of thousands of cases from January with the meteoric spread of the Omicron variant. Resuscitation services are already under strain across the country. In particular in Toulouse, at the University Hospital of Purpan, where ten of the sixteen intensive … Read more

postponing the start of the school year “is not the preferred hypothesis”, says Blanquer

postponing the start of the school year “is not the preferred hypothesis”, says Blanquer

As the coronavirus epidemic has made a comeback, many European countries have announced the introduction of new health restrictions. After partial confinement in Austria or even advanced school holidays in Belgium, the Netherlands announced Sunday, December 19 the confinement of the population for the holiday season. In France, Jean Castex spoke about health measures on … Read more

GUEST RTL – “You shouldn’t bet on your life”: Dr Annane is alarmed after the death of a falsely vaccinated patient

GUEST RTL – “You shouldn’t bet on your life”: Dr Annane is alarmed after the death of a falsely vaccinated patient

A 57-year-old woman died at Raymond-PoincarĂ© hospital in Garches on October 31. The victim was falsely vaccinated, she had not received any injection but had bought her health pass to an unscrupulous doctor. A dangerous practice for the population, and about which doctors in hospitals are worried. Invited on RTL this Friday, December 10, the … Read more

what are the flaws in the health protocol in schools?

what are the flaws in the health protocol in schools?

Since the end of November, when a schoolchild has been infected with the coronavirus, there is no no more class closures. Instead, all children are tested. Those who test negative stay in class, the others come back seven days later. A protocol deemed insufficient according to scientists from INSERM. According to them, in order to … Read more

GUEST RTL – “Nearly 80% of children are vaccinated” in secondary school, assures Blanquer

GUEST RTL – “Nearly 80% of children are vaccinated” in secondary school, assures Blanquer

Prime Minister Jean Castex announced Monday, December 6 the transition from level 2 to level 3 of the Covid-19 protocol in primary schools. The mask becomes compulsory everywhere, even in the yard, it is recommended to avoid crossing paths in the canteen and the sport in the gymnasiums is done in a calm way with … Read more

INFO RTL – Coronavirus: CPAM launches a simulator to know when to take your booster dose

INFO RTL – Coronavirus: CPAM launches a simulator to know when to take your booster dose

Almost a week after opening the third to all adults, it is still very difficult to get an appointment. Even if Olivier VĂ©ran promises an improvement in the coming days, finding a niche can be a real headache. But some can also be lost on when they can get their booster dose. So, to help … Read more

The 8am news – Coronavirus: a hope for treatment by the AstraZeneca laboratory

The 8am news – Coronavirus: a hope for treatment by the AstraZeneca laboratory

AstraZeneca is currently working on a treatment. The first results are encouraging. The pharmaceutical group presents a product which greatly reduces the risks of severe forms. He could complete the vaccine for the most fragile people. The principle of a vaccine is to make the body believe that the virus is coming and to make … Read more

is the health pass necessary to get to the hospital or emergency room?

is the health pass necessary to get to the hospital or emergency room?

After two days of discussions, the government came to the end of the examination of the anti-Covid bill, this Friday, July 23. Shortly before 6 a.m., the deputies voted for the text which must now be discussed by the senators. It obviously includes the vaccination obligation for health personnel, in establishments or at home, then … Read more

8am news – Coronavirus: my father “was killed where he needed to be treated”, deplores Johanna

8am news – Coronavirus: my father “was killed where he needed to be treated”, deplores Johanna

Getting vaccinated saves lives. Not getting vaccinated, it can be fatal. This is the message that Johanna wants to convey who testifies this morning on RTL. She is the first in France to blame the State for not having made the vaccination of caregivers compulsory. Last May, her hospitalized father died of the disease. For … Read more