Tony Blair: Corona is similar to 9/11

Tony Blair: Corona is similar to 9/11

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " He explained that most of the forecasts on economic growth at the global level will decrease by up to 3 percent, which is devastating, which is almost twice the size of the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009. Blair said, during an … Read more

Oil falls despite a drop in US inventories

Oil falls despite a drop in US inventories

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " Oil had risen in anticipation of a recovery in demand for fuel, while producers cut supplies to reduce oversupply in the midst of the pandemic, but crude fell today and other high-risk assets such as stocks, due to government signs that the … Read more

Two months .. and Boeing did not sell “one plane”

Two months .. and Boeing did not sell “one plane”

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " This is the second month of this year in which Boeing did not receive any orders, a fate that seemed impossible not long ago.. Also, “Boeing” made it clear, Tuesday, that it was no longer certain to complete orders for 101 other … Read more

Corona and Vitamin D. A study reveals the relationship with mortality

Corona and Vitamin D. A study reveals the relationship with mortality

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " The research team, under the supervision of Northwestern University, Illinois, conducted a statistical analysis of hospital and clinic data across European countries, China and the United States, noting that “patients from countries with high rates of mortality due to the virus, such … Read more

China-US agreement escapes “Corona origin” battle

China-US agreement escapes “Corona origin” battle

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " The ministry said that this understanding took place during a phone conversation Friday morning between Chinese Vice Prime Minister Liu He, who led trade negotiations with the United States, and each of the US Trade Representative Robert Lighthouse and Treasury Secretary Stephen … Read more

Global health calls for “important action” in anticipation of new epidemics

Global health calls for “important action” in anticipation of new epidemics

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " “As we strive to respond to the Covid-19 epidemic, we must also intensify our efforts in preparation for the (future) epidemic,” said Tidros Adanum Gebresos, WHO Director-General, in an online news conference. “We cannot continue to search for funding amid a state … Read more

The expected “Corona treatment” … a step on the road to hope

The expected “Corona treatment” … a step on the road to hope

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " In light of the suffering of many countries from the spread Corona Virus, The interest in a drug Remdisiver Significant, as there are currently no approved treatments or vaccines for Covid-19 disease, which is a respiratory disorder caused by novel coronavirus. And … Read more

Global Health: There is hope … and control is possible over SK

Global Health: There is hope … and control is possible over SK

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " And on Sunday, the World Health Organization’s top emergency expert declared that parts of the world had begun to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic and began with caution to resume normalcy. According to Reuters statistics as of Sunday, more than 3.44 million … Read more

Men or women? .. Revolution after the statement “Who shopping in the time of Corona”

Men or women? .. Revolution after the statement “Who shopping in the time of Corona”

<div id = "firstBodyDiv" data-bind-html-content-type = "article" data-bind-html-compile = "article.body" data-first-article-body = " It was announced Japan status Emergency Because The epidemic. Residents of some areas were asked to shop less frequently and send just one family member to get supplies to minimize the potential for crowding. Mayor, Ichiro Matsui, told reporters on Thursday that … Read more