How to Distinguish Flu from Covid-19

How to Distinguish Flu from Covid-19 – Covid-19 is said to have symptoms similar to the common cold. This has caused confusion in itself for people to determine whether they have the flu, or are currently infected with the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus. Moreover, both diseases have symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and headaches. However, the only possible … Read more

Discovering the Weaknesses of the Corona Virus, British Researchers Are Optimistic that Covid-19 Drug Development Will Succeed

Discovering the Weaknesses of the Corona Virus, British Researchers Are Optimistic that Covid-19 Drug Development Will Succeed – Researchers at the Bristol School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, England, managed to find a “drug pocket” in protein SARS-CoV-2, causative virus Covid-19. Researchers call the “drug bag” as the weak point of corona virus. The findings can later be used as weapons, or anti-viral drugs to stop the virus from infecting the … Read more

The majority of Corona Patients Died in Comorbid Aceh: Hypertension to Kidneys

The majority of Corona Patients Died in Comorbid Aceh: Hypertension to Kidneys

“We must intervene in reducing the mortality rate by making a correct operational definition, dying from Covid-19 or because of comorbidities in accordance with the guidelines from WHO, as well as BPJS Health support in filing claims for the cost of death for patients accompanied by COVID-19,” he said. quoted from page – .

[UPDATE] Indonesian Corona Virus cases as of September 15, 2020, have risen to 225,030 people

[UPDATE] Indonesian Corona Virus cases as of September 15, 2020, have risen to 225,030 people

THE MIND OF THE PEOPLE – Update The latest number of cases of the corona virus (Covid-19) in Indonesia was uploaded again this afternoon Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health, the number of positive cases of Covid-19 as of Tuesday, September 15, 2020 reached 225,030 people. This figure was obtained … Read more

[POPULER TREN] Symptoms of Mild, Moderate, and Severe Covid-19 | “Mystery” Happy Hypoxia Page all

[POPULER TREN] Symptoms of Mild, Moderate, and Severe Covid-19 |  “Mystery” Happy Hypoxia Page all

JAKARTA, – Case corona virus in Indonesia it continues to show a significant increase from day to day. The latest development that is of concern is the emergence of many family clusters. Transmission in the smallest unit of society is a particular concern. The public is reminded again to recognize the symptoms of the … Read more

Positive Corona Cases Reached 194,109 As of 6 September

Positive Corona Cases Reached 194,109 As of 6 September

CNN Indonesia, CNN Indonesia | Sunday, 06/09/2020 16:05 WIB Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Positive cases of the corona virus (Covid-19) in Indonesia reached 194,109 people on Sunday (6/9). Of the cumulative number, 138,575 people were declared cured and 8,025 others died. – .

Know, these are factors that aggravate and heal when infected with the Corona Virus

Know, these are factors that aggravate and heal when infected with the Corona Virus – Spread corona virus is still a world concern to this day. The number of cases globally, including in Indonesia, is still increasing. In Indonesia, until Saturday (5/9/2020), there were 190,665 people who were confirmed positive Covid-19. Meanwhile, 136,401 patients have been declared cured and 7,940 patients have died. On social media, many have … Read more

13 Provinces Have a Healing Rate of Covid-19 Above 70 Percent

13 Provinces Have a Healing Rate of Covid-19 Above 70 Percent

JAKARTA, – Government Spokesperson for Corona Virus Handling Achmad Yurianto said there were 13 provinces that had a percentage of cases recovered from Covid-19 above 70 percent. In fact, said Yuri, there are 18 provinces in Indonesia that have a recovery rate above the world average. It is known, the average global recovery rate … Read more

One Corona Patient in Tegal Heal District, Two Negative Results Swabs

One Corona Patient in Tegal Heal District, Two Negative Results Swabs

Previously, Joko said that W was strongly suspected of contracting the corona virus from his biological brother, initials S (60), a resident of Pulogede, Bekasi, who was first determined as a COVID-19 patient and was treated at Harapan Sehat Slawi Hospital. One week before Eid, S and her husband with the initial E (62) came … Read more

13 Regions in Indonesia Report No New Corona Cases As of June 29

13 Regions in Indonesia Report No New Corona Cases As of June 29

Jakarta – The government has announced the progress of handling again Corona virus epidemic (COVID-19) in the country. As of today, as many as 13 regions reported no addition of new cases. “There are 21 who reported under 10 cases today and there are 13 provinces today that have no new cases even reported more … Read more