Study: Having mild symptoms of Corona may change the structure of your brain in the long term

Study: Having mild symptoms of Corona may change the structure of your brain in the long term

Posted by Fatima Khalil Thursday, February 23, 2023 05:00 AM A new study revealed that infection with BCorona Virus The structure and function of the brain may change, and Brazilian researchers said that people who suffer from anxiety and depression months after a mild infection with the Corona virus may have changes that affect the … Read more

Corona, colds and respiratory syncytial… the classic symptoms of any viral infection

Corona, colds and respiratory syncytial… the classic symptoms of any viral infection

Corona virus rates have increased in some countries of the world and with danger crown Increases the risk of getting colds and fluRespiratory syncytial virusIn this report, we learn about the classic symptoms of each viral infection, according to the ‘Times of India’ website. The common cold is primarily an upper respiratory tract infection. Learn … Read more