The dream of a rich family is ruined! Billionaire female accountant looks for her “poor boyfriend” from 23 years ago and laments: Money can’t buy happiness – Mirror Media

The dream of a rich family is ruined! Billionaire female accountant looks for her “poor boyfriend” from 23 years ago and laments: Money can’t buy happiness – Mirror Media

2024.11.26 13:58 Taipei time current events After a female accountant worth hundreds of millions divorced her wealthy second-generation husband, she realized deeply that money can’t buy happiness and regretted breaking up with her ex-boyfriend because she didn’t love him for being poor. (Schematic diagram, photoAC) Release time: 2024.11.26 13:58 Taipei Time Update time: 2024.11.26 13:58 … Read more

Growing a mustache during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Growing a mustache during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

In the month of November, a month dedicated to awareness and screening for prostate and testicular cancer in many countries around the world, several activities are held to raise awareness about male cancers. This year, the Association to Support Radiotherapy and Oncology of Madagascar (AROM) is launching ” Sovambra ”, means “Somotra in November” (mustache … Read more

This is how many moons does Jupiter have, almost 100?

This is how many moons does Jupiter have, almost 100?

Jakarta – The International Astronomical Union (IAU) officially recognizes that there are 288 moons on the planets of the solar system. So is it true that Jupiter has the most moons? In 1610, Galileo Galilei discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter. These moons are named after figures in Greek mythology, namely Ganymede, Callisto, Io, … Read more

Free, but making money. Where does WhatsApp get money? – List of messages

Free, but making money. Where does WhatsApp get money? – List of messages

You can also listen to the article in an audio version. Chat platform WhatsApp had nearly three billion active users in June. The messages they send to each other are basically encrypted and use powerful computer servers located in various data centers around the world. The operation of these servers is very expensive, but none … Read more

Both the thesis and the volunteer work are a ‘big hit’… Fake Korea University student fooled even Seoul National University [교수 엄마와 가짜 고대] – Discussion by Truth Investigation Group Sherlock

Both the thesis and the volunteer work are a ‘big hit’… Fake Korea University student fooled even Seoul National University [교수 엄마와 가짜 고대] – Discussion by Truth Investigation Group Sherlock

“Thank you so much for always helping me like this. Thanks to this, I was able to win an award. From papers to posters to experiments, thank you so much.” (November 28, 2016) What is it that makes me “so” thankful? Who “always” helped me like that? This is what Lee Hae-rin (pseudonym), a ‘fake … Read more

“WhatsApp”: Talk to Meta AI soon in the Middle East

“WhatsApp”: Talk to Meta AI soon in the Middle East

The WhatsApp platform is developing a new feature that aims to improve the personal chat experience of users with the chatbot based on Meta AI. The new feature is called “Chat Memory“, and it will remember important details sent by users through WhatsApp. This will allow the smart robot to provide relevant answers in future … Read more

Launching GPT chat for Windows

Launching GPT chat for Windows

The artificial intelligence technology company OpenAI announced the start of testing a version for the Windows operating system of the artificial intelligence chat application “GPT Chat”. The website TechCrunch, which specializes in technology, reported from OpenAI that the versions currently available are limited to users of GPT Plus, Teams, Enterprise, and Edu chat, and that … Read more

Launching a test version of Open AI to generate advanced sound.. What does it provide?

Launching a test version of Open AI to generate advanced sound.. What does it provide?

Open AI has launched a beta version of an API that allows developers to create applications with advanced voice. use templates. This allows you to create multiple voice interactions According to the company, the test version is expected to be very similar to what is used in the “Burned in the Bay“CHAT GPT”, while allowing … Read more

Launching a trial version of Open AI to generate advanced sound.. What will it provide?

Launching a trial version of Open AI to generate advanced sound.. What will it provide?

Open AI has launched a beta version of an API that allows developers to create applications with advanced voice. use templates. This allows you to create multiple voice interactions According to the company, the test version is expected to be very similar to what is used in the “Burned in the Bay“CHAT GPT”, while allowing … Read more

The Conversation of the Dead and the Living

The Conversation of the Dead and the Living

at kampung kampung cemetery this morning “Good morning guys spirit“, I said, pretending to be friendly“Good morning my friend,” replied one of the graves inside “How’s the situation down there, is it safe?”“It’s not good down here, it’s crowded, what are the conditions up there?”“It’s not good here either, it’s crowded, the price of rice … Read more