Beautician’s Bag Contents Filmed Mistakenly- Attempted Theft Revealed

Beautician’s Bag Contents Filmed Mistakenly- Attempted Theft Revealed

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Amal Al-Ansari, a beautician, revealed that she had been subjected to a theft attempt, through a mistake she made in good faith while filming the contents of her bag. And “Al-Ansari” explained, during a video clip that she shared with her followers, that she spontaneously filmed the contents of her bag, including her … Read more

[This week’s trending item] A pop-up that attracted 550,000 visitors during the weekend in just two days?

[This week’s trending item] A pop-up that attracted 550,000 visitors during the weekend in just two days?

[캐릿 Shorts] Find out about this week’s trendy items with a 1-minute cut ※ Trending items will be delivered one week earlier than the trend letter. Caret Shorts is a content for busy office workers. Reading time less than 1 minute! Z generation interviewee ‘short talk mode‘ to vividly introduce the trend items that have … Read more