Consumers less negative about the economy in December | Economy

Consumers less negative about the economy in December |  Economy

Consumers are less negative about the economy in December than they were in November. However, consumer confidence remains exceptionally low. Willingness to buy is also slightly higher now. At -52, consumer confidence in December is well below its 20-year average (-9), Statistics Netherlands reports on Tuesday. Confidence reached an all-time high (+36) in January 2000 … Read more

Which supermarkets are open on November 1st, All Saints’ Day?

Which supermarkets are open on November 1st, All Saints’ Day?

Major supermarket chains will have it Tuesday 1 November, All Saints Day, changes in their usual hours, as it is a common national holiday for the 17 communities and the two autonomous cities. These changes in opening hours will depend on the commercial policy of each supermarket chain. Some will maintain their usual hours, others … Read more