“European Central Bank Rate Hike Causes Mortgage Loan Interest Rates to Soar”

“European Central Bank Rate Hike Causes Mortgage Loan Interest Rates to Soar”

In comparison, in February 2022, the rate for a similar loan was… 1.43%. This increase is due in particular to the very high inflation, and to the rise in rates practiced by the European Central Bank (ECB) in an attempt to calm the game on the financial markets. February 2023 is therefore the first month … Read more

The Shura Council discussed mental health, consumer protection, and initiatives to support low-income people. They also discussed issues with car agencies’ delivery delays and high prices. Other topics included combating commercial concealment, adulterated products, and e-commerce. The Trade and Investment Committee discussed the annual report of the Ministry of Commerce and ways to support basic consumer goods. The Transportation, Communications, and Information Technology Committee discussed challenges and organizational aspects for information technology and logistics services.

The Shura Council discussed mental health, consumer protection, and initiatives to support low-income people. They also discussed issues with car agencies’ delivery delays and high prices. Other topics included combating commercial concealment, adulterated products, and e-commerce. The Trade and Investment Committee discussed the annual report of the Ministry of Commerce and ways to support basic consumer goods. The Transportation, Communications, and Information Technology Committee discussed challenges and organizational aspects for information technology and logistics services.

Syrians are wondering about the plan to deal with the car agencies’ delay in delivering them and the high prices Mental health, consumer protection and adulterated products are on the Shura table The meeting discussed initiatives to support basic consumer goods for low-income people The Health Committee in the Shura Council discussed the annual report … Read more

Grocery prices in Ireland have risen by almost 17% from last year, potentially adding €1,211 to annual bills.

Grocery prices in Ireland have risen by almost 17% from last year, potentially adding €1,211 to annual bills.

Irish consumers have been warned to prepare for a potential rise in their annual grocery bills by a staggering €1,211. This unsettling news comes as a result of several factors, including global supply chain disruptions, rising fuel prices, and the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy. With many families already feeling the … Read more

consumer confidence deteriorates further in February

consumer confidence deteriorates further in February

By Le Figaro with AFP Posted on 02/28/2023 at 4:30 p.m.update on 02/28/2023 at 4:55 p.m. This content is not accessible. US consumer confidence deteriorated more than expected in February, according to the index released Tuesday by the Conference Board. bernardbodo / stock.adobe.com American consumers are showing themselves to be increasingly pessimistic about the economic … Read more

consumer confidence up in February

consumer confidence up in February

By Le Figaro with AFP Posted on 02/24/2023 at 4:18 p.m.update on 02/24/2023 at 6:23 p.m. This content is not accessible. The index is 3.2% higher than in January. bernardbodo / stock.adobe.com U.S. consumers are showing a little more optimism, with the index measuring their confidence continuing to recover in February, although it remains at … Read more