To Stay Healthy, How Often Do We Have to CHAPTER? All pages – Defecate ( CHAPTER) is an important biological function that cleanses the body of indigestible bacteria, fiber, cells, water and plant matter. Although everyone does it, not all of them do it with the same frequency. Some people may go to the bathroom every morning very regularly, while others don’t have a predictable defecation … Read more

What are the symptoms and causes of anal incontinence?

Anal incontinence can be complicated by emotional distress and skin irritations Anal or fecal incontinence is also known as intestinal incontinence. It is the inability to retain and control feces during the day. This produces unexpected leakage of stool (stool), according to And ultimately, suffer anal incontinence it can be very embarrassing for anyone … Read more

Constipation? Laxative tea with rapid effectiveness and scientifically proven

It is frustrating to spend the days without the desired effects when consuming products against intestinal laziness and constipation, fiber drinks, pills, prunes, infusions and other remedies. Given this scenario, you can use cash natural origin tea whose security Y effects have been analyzed and endorsed by laboratories. Laxative tea offers effective and fast results, … Read more

Cure the annoying symptoms of hemorrhoids with food

Hemorrhoids have a great impact on the quality of life of people who suffer from them. The best ally to control discomfort is food One of the health conditions plus uncomfortable Y painful no doubt they are hemorrhoids, are characterized by inflammation Y dilatation of the lower rectum and the veins That make it up. … Read more

6 key foods to prevent stomach inflammation and lose weight naturally

Do you get swollen quickly? Food plays a decisive role, change your shopping list and integrate these ingredients with high fiber intake in your daily diet If with virtually anything you eat you suffer from inflammation and abdominal swelling, It is urgent that you check your shopping list and do immediate changes in the way … Read more