Discover the schedule for Iftar and fasting, along with the commencement day of Ramadan – the seventh day.

Discover the schedule for Iftar and fasting, along with the commencement day of Ramadan – the seventh day.

Written by Mahmoud Ragheb Thursday, March 23, 2023 04:30 AM A few hours separate us from the first days of the holy month of Ramadan for the year 1444 AH 2023 AD, and according to “Constipation of the month of RamadanThe number of Ramadan this year will be 29 days, and its first day will … Read more

“10 Fiber-Rich Foods for Relieving Constipation and Tips to Consume 400 Grams of Fruits and Vegetables Daily: PPTVHD36”

Constipation, a problem that cannot be told to anyone But have to endure the discomfort, abdominal pain and may have additional pain in the anal area as well Do you know if you leave it for a long time? May increase the risk of various diseases, including hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, or even more serious, … Read more

A bailiff seizes the wealth of a Burgas businesswoman, sells her Rolls Royce

Manager: Veselin Vasilev, email: [email protected] Editor:Katya Kassabova, email: [email protected] The comments under the articles are entered by the readers and the editors are not responsible for them! If you find a comment offensive to you, please report it to us! Rolls Royce with number A 4441 НХ is owned by the debtor Desislava Avakum Vann … Read more

Do not ignore it .. “constipation” may indicate infection with these serious diseases! • Observatory Newspaper

Do not ignore it .. “constipation” may indicate infection with these serious diseases!  • Observatory Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Constipation is a symptom that indicates serious diseases, and many people ignore it and resort to laxatives to get rid of it. Among the symptoms associated with constipation: 1- Feeling tired. 2-Hair loss. 3-abdominal cramps. 4-Lack of weight. 5-vision problems. Among the diseases revealed by constipation: 1- Diabetes: Diabetes is also a hormonal … Read more

Discovery of a common herb that treats constipation, hemorrhoids, indigestion and prevents hair loss

Discovery of a common herb that treats constipation, hemorrhoids, indigestion and prevents hair loss

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The medicinal herb senna is considered one of the herbs that treats many diseases related to the digestive system, such as indigestion, constipation, and hemorrhoids, according to “Web Medicine”. Among its most important benefits It promotes the health of the digestive system. It was found that the herb senna helps reduce some disorders … Read more

A funny clip of “Sudanese elderly” competing to catch a rooster to get a “second wife” • Al Marsad Newspaper

A funny clip of “Sudanese elderly” competing to catch a rooster to get a “second wife” • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip showed a number of Sudanese competing to catch “Dick” for a strange reason. And these people try to catch this rooster that will make him win the competition during which he is given a second wife. The “rooster” exhausted the competing people, as they were shown running miles behind him, … Read more

Harmful effects of fecal retention – Hossam Mowafi warns: It causes constipation

Harmful effects of fecal retention – Hossam Mowafi warns: It causes constipation

Dr. Hossam Mowafi, Professor of Critical Cases at the Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy, warned of a common wrong habit among many people, stressing that it has a close relationship with most cases of constipation. Also read: 6 wrong daily habits that cause constipation Muwafi said during his program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge”, … Read more

Prescribe kiwi for constipation?

Prescribe kiwi for constipation?

Dunedin, New Zealand – Kiwis increase stool frequency in people with constipation, according to New Zealand researchers. “Beyond relief, there is significant improvement in texture, reflux, and abdominal pain resulting from overall improvement in digestive comfort,” they write. the doctor Richard Gearry and his colleagues from the University of Otago in the city of Dunedin … Read more

Pain during bowel movements can be a sign of cancer, recognize the symptoms

Pain during bowel movements can be a sign of cancer, recognize the symptoms

Loading… Pain during bowel movements can be a sign of cancer to watch out for. There are a number of reasons someone might feel sick with constipation. Photos/Getty Images JAKARTA – Nyeri moment defecate it could be a sign cancer what to watch out for. There are a number of reasons someone might feel bad … Read more