Statesmen seek to ride the wave created by Washington DC

Statesmen seek to ride the wave created by Washington DC

Although the proposal approved a few days ago in the federal Lower House so that Washington DC Becoming the 51st state of the United States has no chance of becoming law, statesmen leaders on the island reacted with glee to the message carried by Democratic congressmen who are driving the idea. “Whenever you want to … Read more

Congress: in the first semester of 2020 there were more sessions than in the same period of 2019

Congress: in the first semester of 2020 there were more sessions than in the same period of 2019

According to data from a report prepared by the Commissions Directorate and the Open Data Portal of the Lower House, Between January 1 and June 25 of this year, there will be five sessions special -three of them remote- in which the Knowledge Economy law, plasma donation, telerecetas and distance education, among other initiatives, were … Read more

The House of Representatives approved the creation of the 51st US state. The proposal goes to the Senate – ČT24 – Czech Television

The House of Representatives approved the creation of the 51st US state.  The proposal goes to the Senate – ČT24 – Czech Television

The legislators approved the proposal with a ratio of 232 for and 180 against, voting mostly according to the party line. There are about 700,000 people living in the federal district, more than, for example, in the states of Wyoming or Vermont. However, local residents do not have their representation in the Senate and send … Read more

Why is Kicillof’s allusion to Antarctica true?

Why is Kicillof’s allusion to Antarctica true?

“Buenos Aires is the largest province in the country, if we do not count Antarctica,” said Buenos Aires Governor Axel Kicillof “Buenos Aires is the largest province in the country, if we do not count Antarctica”, said the Buenosairean governor Axel Kicillof as part of the announcement of the quarantine extension and in the networks, … Read more

“Amazon” prevents the US police from using its technology to identify faces – technology – a smart world

“Amazon” prevents the US police from using its technology to identify faces – technology – a smart world

The Amazon group announced yesterday that it imposed a one-year ban on the use of the technology by the US police to identify faces, calling on Congress to tighten legal controls that promote the use of this technology, in a step that comes in the midst of historical demonstrations in the United States against police … Read more

The International Athletic Peas Congress will be held in Aspe in 2021

The International Athletic Peas Congress will be held in Aspe in 2021

The coordinator of theInternational Federation of Clubs of Athletic Club de Bilbaohas issued a statement in which it has announced that Aspe will continue to organize the48 edition of the International Congress of Peñasof the Basque club, but that willyear 2021with specific dates still to be determined. The population of Vinalopó Mitjà was to be … Read more

Coronavirus vaccine race: top candidates

Coronavirus vaccine race: top candidates

WASHINGTON – In a race for a vaccine designed to put an end to the global COVID-19 pandemic, eight participants pulled ahead. Eight candidate vaccines are tested in humans in clinics in China, the United States, Britain and Germany. In addition to them, at least 94 are at different stages of development. The Trump administration … Read more

Acevedo Vilá emphasizes letter from Congress relives all administration scandals

Acevedo Vilá emphasizes letter from Congress relives all administration scandals

The former Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá argued today that the letter sent to Governor Wanda Vázquez by the president of the Finance Commission of the United States Senate, Charles Grassley, relives the government scandals, while calling on the country to demonstrate that it is better than the administration. “The letter that Senator Grassley sent today … Read more

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she would cancel Puerto Rico’s debt

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she would cancel Puerto Rico’s debt

The congresswoman of Puerto Rican descent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez affirmed that she would cancel Puerto Rico’s public debt in expressions through a digital forum convened by the organization Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora. The expressions of the representative to the congress come after the representative Manuel Natal Albelo, who also participated in the forum, asked her … Read more

Congressmen demand that Education clarify food distribution

Congressmen demand that Education clarify food distribution

A group of Democratic congressmen today demanded Education deparment to specify how it will distribute food to children in the public system in the midst of the coronavirus emergency. The legislators — by means of a letter sent to the secretary of the agency, Eligio Hernández– requested that they detail how the Department will ensure … Read more