The CEC received more than 100 complaints of coercion to vote

As of June 27, the Central Election Commission (CEC) received 105 appeals regarding possible coercion to vote on constitutional amendments and the use of administrative resources, its chairman Ella Pamfilova said. Voting started on June 25th. Among these appeals, 29 – in Moscow, 35 – in St. Petersburg. According to Ms. Pamfilova, 75 complaints deserve … Read more

Do not call back: Warning against ping calls from + 680 numbers – Austria

5.06.2020 05:00 (Act. 5.06.2020 05:00) – – – The following applies to ping calls: Do not call back. © (subject) – – – When calling from a 00 680 or + 680 number, you should not call back because this can result in high costs. The RTR has recently reported complaints about so-called ping … Read more

Valncia records ten complaints on the first morning of walks and sports

The agents of the Local Police of Valencia have counted ten sanction proposals in the parks, gardens and beaches of the city for failing to comply with the security measures during this Saturday morning, the first in which the population has been allowed to go out take walks and play sports. In the words of … Read more

174 complaints of abuse of temporary unemployment registered with Onem!

Posted on Tuesday April 28, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. By Sudinfo with Belga — Onem has received 174 complaints of abuse of temporary unemployment, said Minister of Employment Nathalie Muylle on Tuesday. – – Belgium is making massive use of temporary unemployment in the context of the coronavirus crisis. Onem has already received 1.36 million … Read more

11 arrests in one day for curfew violation

The Puerto Rico Police Bureau reported this Sunday morning that from Saturday morning until 6 a.m. Today, there were 11 arrests for violation of the curfew imposed by Governor Wanda Vázquez. The total number of arrests made since the restriction began is 632. Of these, 143 were made during the decree stating that the curfew … Read more