KU Leuven files a complaint after Dries Van Langenhove’s lecture

KU Leuven files a complaint after Dries Van Langenhove’s lecture

KU Leuven KU Leuven will file a complaint against Dries Van Langenhove for racist statements during a lecture. The university also prohibits activities of student association NSV in its buildings. Dries Van Langenhove gave a lecture on Wednesday evening in an auditorium of the Pedagogical Institute of KU Leuven, organized by the Nationalist Student Association … Read more

Korean Fans File Complaint Against Klinsmann & Football Chairman

Korean Fans File Complaint Against Klinsmann & Football Chairman

Original title: Korean fans are anxious!Angrily accuses Klinsmann of tarnishing South Korea’s reputation and files a complaint against the Football Association Chairman After losing to Jordan 0-2 and stopping in the semi-finals of the Asian Cup, South Korea’s domestic calls for the dismissal of coach Jurgen Klinsmann have become louder and louder. A civil group … Read more

A family from Matanzas denounces the indifference of the Mexican authorities to their request for refuge

A family from Matanzas denounces the indifference of the Mexican authorities to their request for refuge

The fear of being imprisoned for expressing their discontent against the regime led Yadira San Martín Grillo, her husband William Rodríguez Acosta and their daughters Yisel Esthefany and Yinelis Chantal to leave the Island last year. This family originally from Matanzas arrived in Tapachula (Chiapas) on August 15, 2023 with the intention of processing their … Read more

Elderly Woman Deprived of 3.8 Million Peso Home by Son: Justice Demanded

Elderly Woman Deprived of 3.8 Million Peso Home by Son: Justice Demanded

Mr. Hugo Amet Morales Morales deprived his 80-year-old mother, Beatriz Morales Ochoa, of her home valued at 3.8 million pesos and mortgaged it for 800 thousand pesos through a bank loan, forcing his mother to sign for his name in the public deed in the notary owned by Gabriel Esquinca Camacho with address on thirteenth … Read more

“From Mexico they ask us for 10,000 dollars in exchange for proof of life,” denounces the aunt of a Cuban

“From Mexico they ask us for 10,000 dollars in exchange for proof of life,” denounces the aunt of a Cuban

“We are going to get paid with the compa. We are going to give him a flat [asesinar] and they are going to be sent a video so they can see that here in Mexico we don’t play games.” This was one of the six intimidating audio messages that the aunt of Cuban Alexander Aleaga … Read more

Magda Faces Betrayal and Deception from Soňa: A Shocking Revelation

Magda Faces Betrayal and Deception from Soňa: A Shocking Revelation

This mallet driven into Magda’s back will probably hurt a lot. When Jirka Hložánek tells her about Sona’s report to the school office on Monday, she finally realizes what her twisted representative is. She then sincerely apologizes to Otík for not wanting to believe him. He was the only one who saw Sonia right away. … Read more

Cameroon News :: Complaint From the Universal Mediator Against Madame Régine Essemene, Non-hierarchical Magistrate :: Cameroon News

Cameroon News :: Complaint From the Universal Mediator Against Madame Régine Essemene, Non-hierarchical Magistrate :: Cameroon News

Cameroon :: Complaint From the Universal Mediator Against Madame Régine Essemene, Non-hierarchical Magistrate :: Cameroon The Universal Mediator, President of the Independent Commission against Corruption and Discrimination (COMICODI), President of the Popular Movement for Dialogue and Reconciliation (MPDR), has just questioned the President of the Republic on the subject of Madame Régine Essemene, Lawyer General … Read more

Controversy over Potential Closure of CEIP Adolfo de Castro in Cádiz for 2024/25 Academic Year

Controversy over Potential Closure of CEIP Adolfo de Castro in Cádiz for 2024/25 Academic Year

IU Cadiz city has been aware of “the “more than well-founded suspicion that the Andalusian Government has intentions to close the CEIP Adolfo de Castro for the next 2024/25 academic year,” they maintain in a statement. This, according to statements by the responsible for Education, Aída Fernández “It was something that the Board had been … Read more

Decriminalization of Fare Evasion in Hessian Cities: A Survey by FAZ

Decriminalization of Fare Evasion in Hessian Cities: A Survey by FAZ

WIf you are caught on buses, trams or subways without a ticket, you will still have to face criminal charges in most Hessian cities. A survey by the FAZ has shown that apparently no major municipality wants to follow the example of the state capital. There, the ruling alliance of the Greens, SPD, Left and … Read more

Supreme Court Dismisses Judge’s Complaint against Juana Rivas’s Lawyer

Supreme Court Dismisses Judge’s Complaint against Juana Rivas’s Lawyer

He Supreme Court has dismissed the complaint filed by Judge Manuel Piñar, head of the Criminal Court 1 of Granada, who sentenced in the first instance Juana Rivas, for the inadmissibility of the cassation appeal before the filing of her complaint for insults and slander against Juana Rivas’s lawyer. Judge Piñar had filed a complaint … Read more