her cell phone even rang while she was complaining to the police station …

her cell phone even rang while she was complaining to the police station …

Posted on Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 8:31 a.m. Through J.C. — Thérèse Van Hole, 62, was the victim of a phone scam. Since 2016, she has received strange phone calls. We offered her trips, but she was not interested … And yet! – – “On October 13, 2016, my phone rang,” says Theresa, from … Read more

Denunciation of Venezuela against the United States in the International Criminal Court – Venezuela – International

Denunciation of Venezuela against the United States in the International Criminal Court – Venezuela – International

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza denounced the United States on Thursday before the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity, due to the economic sanctions imposed on your country. (Read also: Militiamen, the force with which Maduro seeks to preserve Chavism). The document delivered in court “is a historical fact” and “has statistical data … Read more

Woman reports that she was sexually assaulted while sleeping on a Spirit Airlines flight

Woman reports that she was sexually assaulted while sleeping on a Spirit Airlines flight

Why don’t many victims report harassment? 1:14– (CNN) – A woman from Michigan says a passenger sexually assaulted her while she slept on a morning Spirit Airlines flight that left Atlanta to Detroit. Tia Jackson, 22, a student from Detroit, told CNN that she was traveling in the middle seat next Tuesday with a friend … Read more